汇报题目:ASME IMECE2019国际会议参会报告
会议名称:Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
会议地点:Salt Lake City, USA
会议简介:ASME IMECE(American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Mechanical Engineering Congress &Exposition)国际会议是美国机械工程师学会举办的世界范围内最大的机械工程学术会议,每年举办一次,为威尼斯9499登录入口指定高水平国际会议。
Title:An optimized 3D probe using sensitivity and compliance analysis
Author: Weikang Zheng, Zhigang Liu, Junkang Guo
High-precision micro/nano probe plays an increasingly important role in manufacturing and measurement. The multi-arm elastic mechanism that can produce deformation under the contact force is widely used in the design of probe. The striking feature of this mechanism is that multiple variables are coupled to each other and are not easily separated. However, the transfer matrix of probe, rather than a multivariable decoupling model, is widely used as a measurement model in traditional research.
Transfer matrix appears as a “black box” and does not reveal working principles of probe. Our previous research proposed a 3D decoupling model. The 3D model presents the coupling relationship between input and output variables, and also finishes a theoretical explanation of complex features of 3D probe. Recent studies have found that this decoupling model has practical value in parameter and shape optimization of probe. As the optimized purpose, two indicators—sensitivity and compliance (reciprocal of stiffness) are proposed from the model. The increased sensitivity means the probe has a lower resolution requirement for the capacitive sensor used. High compliance of probe means small contact force between the stylus ball and workpiece. Excessive stiffness can cause excessive contact forces that damages surface of workpiece. Combined with theoretical model and finite element analysis (FEA), the key parameters affecting sensitivity and compliance of probe are extracted, and a new optimized elastic mechanism based on an originalHexflexmechanism. The new optimized probe has better performance with sensitivity, input compliance, output compliance increased by 78.6%, 48.4% ,157.7%, respectively.