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发布时间:2019-06-10 点击数:

汇报题目:Vision Science Society 2019参会报告

汇报时间:2019年6月12日(星期三) 19:00



会议名称:Vision Science Society 2019 Annual Meeting

会议时间:17-22 May 2019

会议地点:St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA


The Vision Sciences Society is a nonprofit membership organization of scientists who are interested in the functional aspects of vision. VSS was founded in 2001 with the main purpose of holding an annual meeting that brings together in one forum scientists from the broad range of disciplines that contribute to vision science, including visual psychophysics, neuroscience, computational vision and cognitive psychology. The scientific content of the meetings reflects the breadth of topics in modern vision science, from visual coding to perception, recognition and the visual control of action, as well as the recent development of new methodologies from cognitive psychology, computer vision and neuroimaging.

The Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society has a broad scope, encompassing the field of vision science. This field draws on a range of disciplines, including visual psychophysics, visual neuroscience, computational vision and visual cognition; our central goal is to understand how vision works and is used. The meeting showcases presentations that advance this aim. The meeting also welcomes presentations that report on vision-relevant topics in allied fields.


Poster presentation: An Objective and Sensitive Visual Acuity Assessment Method for Preverbal and Infantile Children Based on Steady-State Motion Visual Evoked Potentials



Title: An Objective and Sensitive Visual Acuity Assessment Method for Preverbal and Infantile Children Based on Steady-State Motion Visual Evoked Potentials

Author: Xiaowei Zheng, Guanghua Xu, Yunyun Wang, Sicong Zhang, Chenghang Du, Long Hao

Abstract: Traditional evaluation of visual acuity, such as naming of Snellen letters, mainly depends on the subjective examiner’s judgement, which can be easily affected by the impure motivational factors or intellectual abilities, so it may be more difficult for infants. By recording and analyzing electrophysiologic signals especially steady-state motion visual evoked potentials (SSMVEPs) from the human scalp, an objective, quantitative and sensitive method of evaluating objective visual acuity and monitoring the visual development of preverbal and infantile children can be provided. In this study, we designed a specific concentric ring SSMVEP paradigm with a given oscillating expansion-contraction frequency to assess the visual acuity. The canonical correlation analysis (CCA), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and some statistical methods were used to analyze the electroencephalography signals and extract visual acuity features in the test. We proposed a threshold determination method to define the corresponding objective visual acuity and established a representational model of the objective visual acuity. Each experiment was divided into 11 trails of different spatial frequencies corresponding to SSMVEP optotypes from 0.0 to 1.0 log minimum angle of resolution (logMAR), and the objective visual acuity of 22 eyes from 11 healthy adults had been tested using this paradigm with brain computer interface system. The CCA value at the target stimulus frequency of SSMVEP response had a decreasing trend from 1.0 logMAR to 0.0 logMAR SSMVEP optotype. The objective SSMVEP visual acuity and subjective psychophysical visual acuity were correlated significantly (P = 7.4708E-12, Pearson’s r = 0.9532), and the difference between the two types of visual acuity of the same eye was within 0.1 logMAR range, except one eye with 0.2 logMAR difference. Our study proved that SSMVEP can be an objective and quantitative method to measure visual acuity, especially for evaluating and monitoring visual acuity of infants and preverbal children.

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