讲座名称:Mutli-Scale Robotics
--- From brachiation robot to micro/nano robotic manipulation
讲座人:Toshio Fukuda教授
讲座内容:应威尼斯9499登录入口蒋庄德院士邀请,中国科学院外籍院士、IEEE全球总主席Toshio Fukuda教授于4月25日来访我校交流,并为师生做学术讲座,欢迎感兴趣的老师和学生积极参加。
This lecture is an overview of the Multi-scale robotics, based on the Cellular Robotics System, which is the basic concept of the emergence of intelligence in the multi-scale way from Cell Level to the Organizational Level, proposed more than 30 years ago. It consists of many elements how the system can be structured from the individual to the group/society levels in analogy with the biological system. It covers with the wide range of challenging topics:
1. Individual robot level, Brachiation Robots and Multi-locomotion robots,
2. Medical robotics and simulator,
3. Cooperation and competition of the multiple robotics system
4. Distributed autonomous robotic system
5. Micro and nano robotics system
6. Bio analysis and bio-synthesis: bio-robotics system
7. Cyborg and Bionic System
8. Other systems.
This presentation mainly focuses on bio cell manipulation and cell assembly and refer to applied areas for the future hybrid system to improve the quality of life of human.
他主要致力于智能机器人、微纳操作机器人、仿生机器人以及技术诊断和错误恢复系统等相关领域的研究,曾获得多项顶级荣誉,1995年当选为电气与电子工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow)、日本仪器与控制工程师学会(SICE Fellow), 2002年获得日本机械工程学会会士(JSME Fellow), 2004年的日本机器人学会会士(RSJ Fellow), 2011年的虚拟现实学会会士(VRSJ Fellow) 以及 日本科学院院士(2008-2014 ), 日本工程院院士 (2013-)等.