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发布时间:2019-03-29 点击数:


讲座题目:Advanced Material Testing Methods for Enhancing High-PrecisionSheet Metal Forming Simulations




Improvement of the predictive accuracy for defect formation, such as fracture and springback, using finite element analysis (FEA) is key to realizing trial-and-error-less manufacturing. In metal forming processes, materials are subjected to various multiaxial stress states. Therefore, the accuracy of the material models used in FEA should be accessed by using the material testing methods that accurately reproduce such complex stress states. This lecture reviews the advanced material testing methods for sheet and tubular metals. Special attention is given to the anisotropic plastic deformation behavior of industrial materials and to the validation of the material models for large plastic strain ranges. In addition, the effects of material models on the improvement of the predictive accuracy of FEA simulations are discussed.


T. Kuwabara教授:日本东京农工大学教授、全球创新研究组织首席教授、板成形顶级会议NUMISHEET’2018主席,日本塑性加工学会JSTP的fellow和Board member,日本塑性加工学会板料成形委员会主席,日本轻质金属研究所主席,韩国埔项工大(POSTECH)名誉教授。Kuwabara教授作为主席主持制定了“Biaxial Tensile Testing Method Using Cruciform Specimen”和“Method for springback evaluation in stretch bending”两个国际标准(International Standard IS)。获JSTP等10余个奖项。近6年受邀在IDDRG 2012和EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE 2012做大会主旨报告(Plenary lecture),以及在NUMIFORM 2013等国际会议做主题报告(keynote)和特邀报告(invited Talk)数次。


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