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发布时间:2018-11-23 点击数:

汇报题目:参加IMECE 2018国际会议总结报告会

汇报时间20181126(星期一) 09:00



会议名称International Mechanical Engineering Congress & ExpositionIMECE2018

会议时间Nov. 9-15,2018

会议地点Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, America

会议简介ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) is the largest interdisciplinary mechanical engineering conference in the world. IMECE plays a significant role in stimulating innovation from basic discovery to translational application. It fosters new collaborations that engage stakeholders and partners not only from academia, but also from national laboratories, industry, research settings, and funding bodies.


Oral presentation: Research on the weak signal detection of bearing fault based on Duffing oscillator



Title: Research on the weak signal detection of bearing fault based on Duffing oscillator

Author: Long Hao, Dan Liu, Fei Liu, Qingxin Wang, Lin Liang, Guanghua Xu

Abstract: In this paper, chaotic system is applied to identify and extract the weak signals of bearing early fault which are often submerged in strong background noise. Chaotic system is an effective method in weak signal detection because of its properties of noise immunity and sensitivity to the weak periodic signal. However, chaotic system is not completely immune to noise in critical chaotic state. Aiming at this problem, four indicators are used to evaluate the detection performance of Duffing oscillators. Then, the influence of Duffing oscillator parameters on the four indicators is studied in detail and a new method is proposed to improve the detection performance of Duffing oscillator. The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method can accurately obtain the characteristic signals of early bearing fault in a lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) situation.

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