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发布时间:2018-11-19 点击数:

汇报题目:参加APWSHM 2018国际会议总结报告会

汇报时间:2018年11月19日(星期一) 15:00



会议名称:The 7th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (APWSHM-2018)


会议地点:Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China

会议简介:APWSHM-2018 review the latest research developments and real-world applications of SHM techniques. APWSHM-2018 is one of the events in this workshop series with the largest volume of submissions and the most attendees. This, to some extent, reflects the prosperity, intensive research and development of bourgeoning SHM today. Seven internationally renowned scholars, globally distributed, are invited to deliver plenary talks, each recapping the very recent development in their respective areas. It is a technical meeting in which both advances in fundamental knowledge and new engineering applications in several measurement technologies are reported and discussed, such as guided-wave-based damage detection and optical fibres, through appealing industrial application paradigms, to emerging artificial-intelligence-assisted SHM and nanocomposites-inspired sensors, et, al.


Oral presentation:Enhanced Damage Characterization Using Multiply Scattered Lamb Waves



Title:Enhanced Damage Characterization Using Multiply Scattered Lamb Waves

Author: Liang Zeng, XiangxiangNiu, Liping Huang, Jing Lin

Abstract:Lamb wave inspecting has being a potential solution for structural health monitoring of composite structures. In such applications, the Born (single-scattering) approximation is used, and the signals received after the wave scattered from the target are normally discarded. In reality, however, the structure often contains a variety of known singular features (e.g., edges, welds, reveted-lap joints and adhesive butt joints), and waves can scatter several times before returning to the detector. The information encoded in multiply scattered waves can give more information about the region of interest, because the extra reflections arise waves that interrogate the region from different directions. In this paper, we focus on multiply scattered signals, exploiting information that is usually discarded for damage characterization. Firstly, dispersion compensation is employed to compress the time duration of the multiply scattered waves, separating them in time domain. For each individual transducer, the edge of composite laminate could arise a virtual transducer distributed in a symmetrical position, which enlarges the element-number and the aperture of the sensor array. On this basis, a modified sparse reconstruction algorithm is employed for damage imaging. The experimental results show that the damage could be correctly detected and accurately localized even with a single transmitter-receiver pair through exploiting these multiply scattering waves

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