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首尔国立大学Sung-Hoon Ahn教授学术报告通知

发布时间:2018-11-12 点击数:

应威尼斯9499登录入口陈花玲教授的邀请,韩国首尔国立大学Sung-Hoon Ahn教授来我院进行学术交流活动,并向学院师生做学术报告。欢迎有兴趣的师生届时参加(研究生可以盖章)。

报告题目:Exploration of Shape Memory Alloy   (SMA) Actuators:

           Fast Actuation and Soft Robotic Applications



报告学者:韩国首尔国立大学Sung-Hoon Ahn教授


报告地点:威尼斯9499登录入口  西二楼  第三会议室


Smart materials are widely used in sensors, actuators and robotics, and their multi-functional capabilities enrich engineering applications. As an example of smart materials, soft smart composite (SSC) which is based on shape memory alloy (SMA) and anisotropic polymer fibers embedded in soft elastomer matrix is introduced. Actuation characteristics of the SSC and its applications to various mechanical systems are presented. Another type of actuator, shape-memory knit actuator is developed in order to have low stiffness and stretchable features. Scaling down to meso/micro level, 25~40 micro meter thick SMA wires in SSC show 35 Hz, and light-driven actuation of thin SMA structure enhances the actuation frequency up to 1,600 Hz. Several SMA-based actuators and biomimetic robots are discussed in detail.

Sung-Hoon Ahn教授简介:

Sung-Hoon Ahn received a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1992, an M.A.Sc. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Stanford University in 1994, and a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics (minor in Mechanical Engineering) from the Stanford University in 1997. He was on the faculties of Gyeongsang National University from 2000 to 2003. In 2003, he joined Seoul National University, where he has been the Professor of Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering since 2010.

Ahn’s research interests are in 3D and 4D Printing, Smart Soft Composite Materials, Micro/Nano Fabrication (Laser, Focused Ion Beam, Milling, Drilling, and Nano Particle Deposition System), Green Manufacturing, Energy Device, and Appropriate Technology. He published over 230 journal-class articles in these areas. For his research accomplishments, he has been honored with Sinyang Engineering Award from the College of Engineering and Sinyang Foundation, Seoul National University in 2010, Gaheon Award from Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Gaheon Foundation in 2011, Seoul National University Education Award from Seoul National University in 2012, a Certificate of Commendation Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea in 2015, and an Academic Contribution Award from Korean Society of Composite Materials in 2017. He is a Program Director of Tanzania-Korea Innovative Energy Technology Center, an Editorial Board of Rapid Prototyping Journal (RPJ), a Director of Publication of Korean Society for Precision Engineering, a Director of General Affair of Korean Society for Composite Materials, a Director of International Collaboration of Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, a Director of Research & Development Scientists and Engineers without Borders, an Initiator and Co-chair of International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications, a Founder and Conference chair of International Conference on Energy and Sustainability (ICES), Startup Mission for Art/design, Responsibility and Technology (S.M.A.R.T), and International Conference on Engineering Innovation, a Founder and Director of SNU Global(Nepal)-Solar Volunteer Corps, a member of KSME (Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers), KSPE (Korean Society of Precision Engineering), KSCM (Korean Society for Composite Materials), KSAE (Korean Society of Automotive Engineers), Society of CAD/CAM Engineers, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and an associate member of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineers).


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