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发布时间:2018-10-12 点击数:

Gunshot Temporal Localization In Noisy Background for Conflict Monitoring

汇报时间20189月14日14:30-16:00   汇报地点:曲江校区西五楼A428



The CSC (China Scholarship Council) scholarship is a national scholarship program financing outstanding Chinese student to study at top universities around the world. I have been sponsored by the CSC since September 2017 to conduct a one-year research in Carnegie Mellon University. In my presentation, I will talk about my adventures at the CMU during the past one year. I will also talk about three projects that I have conducted at CMU. The program is gunshot temporal localization in noisy background for conflict monitoring.

Bio Sketch of Mrs. Ruonan Liu

Ruonan Liu is a fifth year Ph.D. student in Professor Xuefeng Chen’s group in the school of mechanical engineering at the Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. She is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council to conduct a one-year research as a visiting PhD student during September 2017-August 2018 in Computer Science School at Carnegie Mellon University. Her research is focused on the study of fault diagnosis methods based on artifical intelligence techniques. Ruonan Liu has published 3 journal papers in her area and 2 refereed conference papers.

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