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发布时间:2018-09-27 点击数:

汇报题目:参加在日本丰桥召开的Metal Forming 2018国际会议

汇报时间2018928(星期五) 1930



会议名称Metal Forming 2018, 17th International Conference on Metal Forming

会议时间September 16-19, 2018

会议地点Toyohashi, Japan

会议简介The 17th International Conference on Metal Forming, Metal Forming 2018, is held in Toyohashi, Japan on September 16-19, 2018. There were 5 plenary lectures and 249 regular lectures in the Conference Programme, presented by authors from universities, research institutes and industry from 35 countries around the world. The series of Metal Forming Conferences organised since 1974 by Akademia Gomiczo-Hutnicza in Krakow, Poland, and since 1994 jointly with the University of Birmingham, UK, is intended to create a platform for contact between scientists, researchers and engineers working in the field of forming of metals. The Toyohashi University of Technology organized this conference in Japan in 2010, and strongly contributed to increase of popularity of the Conference. The University of Palermo held the conference in Italy in 2014. The AGH University of Science and Technology, the Toyohashi University of Technology and the University of Palermo are currently organizing the Metal Forming Conferences held in every 2 years.


Oral Presentation:

报告人Baowei Ma


Title: Integration process of stamping and welding for DP600 advanced high strength steel sheets

Author: Baowei Ma, Dean Meng, Xi Gu, Xu Ma, Dawei Zhang, Qi Zhang

Abstract: The springback behavior of AHSS (Advanced High Strength Steels) is more serious than ordinary mild steels. Currently, deformations due to springback can be compensated by modifying the tool geometry in the industry, which often consumes for a long time. In addition, the stamping parts usually need welding and assembly, and the welded part also has deformation. Therefore, an integrated process combines stamping and welding is presented in this paper, including stamping, placing welding parts and spot welding a total of 3 processes. This paper takes Ω-shaped parts as the object of study. The dynamic explicit method is adopted in the stamping process, and the static implicit method is used for the analysis of the stress release process. The effect of welding location, thickness of welding plate and width of welding plate on geometrical dimension are considered. Finally, the results of finite element analysis is evaluated by the validation experiment. The result shows that the combination of stamping and welding process can effectively reduce the springback value, and the deformation of the stamping part is less than 1mm. After the stress of the welded part is released, the stress on the inner and outer surface of the Ω-shaped part can be greatly reduced along the thickness direction.


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