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发布时间:2018-09-04 点击数:


汇报时间:2018年9月4日(星期二) 14:00



会议名称0th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'18

会议时间Jul16-21, 2018

会议地点Hawai’i Convention Center in Honolulu, HIUSA

会议简介The general theme of EMBC’18 is “Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future”, inspired by the 40th anniversary of the world’s largest international biomedical engineering meeting. Consistent with our theme, we have arranged plenary keynotes from leading industrial and academic scientists, who will give forward looking visions as well as historical perspectives on our field. A broad array of scientific tracks will cover diverse topics of cutting-edge research and innovation in biomedical engineering, healthcare technology R&D, translational clinical research, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, and biomedical engineering education. In addition to the high-profile keynotes, the conference program will feature mini symposia, workshops, invited sessions, oral and poster sessions, sessions for students and young professions, sessions for clinicians and entrepreneurs, and exhibits from vendors and universities. All papers will be peer reviewed; accepted full-length (4 page) papers will appear in the Conerence Proceedings and be indexed by IEEE Xplore and Medline/PubMed.


Poster: A Novel Variable Stiffness Compliant Finger Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation Based on Electromagnet Control



Title: A Novel Variable Stiffness Compliant Finger Exoskeleton forRehabilitation Based on Electromagnet Control

Author: Renghao Liang, Guanghua Xu, Min Li, Sicong Zhang,Ailing Luo and Tangfei Tao

Abstract: Focusing on the complicated environments for hand rehabilitation, we present the design of a variable stiffness finger exoskeleton. A new concept of a variable stiffness beam controlled by electromagnetic force has been proposed. This article presents the design principle and fabrication of the variable stiffness beam and a variable stiffness finger exoskeleton which combines the beam and a 3D printed compliant finger exoskeleton. Experimental studies have shown that by using the electromagnetic force, exoskeleton stiffness variation is achievable. Therefore, the proposed variable stiffness finger exoskeleton is capable of adapting the versatile tasks and providing a soft, wearable device for hand rehabilitation of different human users.

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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