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发布时间:2018-07-11 点击数:


题目:参加COMADEM2018 国际会议总结报告会





会议名称:31th International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management

会议日期:July 2-5, 2018

会议地点:Sun City, South Africa

会议简介:The 31st International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2018) will take place from 2-5 July 2018 at Sun City in South Africa. This conference aims to bring influential role players of the condition monitoring field together to share the newest research developments, practical experience and industry offerings with the global condition monitoring community. The conference programme contains workshops, industrial exhibitions, plenary lectures as well as presentations of research papers.


Title : An improved resonance demodulation technique based on spectral kurtosis and fault characteristic harmonic-to-noise ratio

Author: Chang Yan, Jing Lin, Ming Zhao, Liang Zeng

Abstract: Rolling bearings are widely used in energy, construction machinery and high-speed railway because of its strong load-bearing capacity and small start-up torque. The faults of rolling bearings as the core component of the machine can lead to huge economic losses and even fatal accidents. The health monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling bearings have attracted increasing attention over the past decades. Traditional spectral kurtosis (SK) method is commonly implemented by kurtogram to determine the resonance frequency band for demodulation. However, there exist problems when SK is applied to signals containing random strong interferences. As a result, envelope harmonic-to-noise ratio (EHNR) is proposed to reduce the influence of random strong interferences and strengthen the periodic components in the signal. Unfortunately, EHNR is not sensitive to fault impact when the periodic components in the signal are not related to the failure such as rotational frequency interferences and power frequency interferences. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes an improved resonance demodulation technique (RDT) based on SK and fault characteristic harmonic-to-noise ratio (FCHNR). Compared with SK, the improved RDT has two distinct advantages. Firstly, the proposed method can be applied to the rolling bearings under the working condition with variable speed through integrating with order tracking technique. Secondly, the resonance frequency band is no longer solely determined by the maximum value of kurtosis or EHNR. Instead, the periodicity and impulsivity of rolling bearing fault can be taken into account simultaneously, thus the improved RDT has higher robustness. Finally, the improved RDT is validated by real fault data of railway bearings. The results show that the improved RDT can detect the fault of rolling bearing under variable speed with higher efficiency and superiority.

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