应威尼斯9499登录入口段玉岗教授邀请,德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学Gerhard Ziegmann将来学院进行短期访问,并做系列讲座,讲座安排通知如下:
讲座题目 |
时间 |
地点 |
摘要 |
Basic Aspects of Material Characterization |
6月15日, 15:00-16:30 |
西二楼西329 |
Polymer materials are a new class of high performance materials for different purposes of our daily life. Within this lecture the material characteristics and the relation between molecular structure of the polymers and the processing characteristics as well as the mechanical/physical behaviors will be discussed. The basic understanding of polymer materials and of the relation between material and applications will be also built up by participate this lecture. |
Processing Technology for Thermoplastic Polymer Systems |
6月19日,10:00-11:30 |
西二楼西329 |
Within this presentation the processing characteristics of extrusion and injection moulding technology are discussed in principle. The melting/transportation process as well as homogenization of the melting system will be discussed in detail. In the extrusion technology the tooling concepts will be shown in detail, characterizing products like films, profiles, bottle etc. The injection moulding technology will cover the aspects of the machine concepts as well as the tooling systems to show that even very complicate structure can be injection moulded. |
Processing Technology for Composite Structures |
6月20日,10:00-11:30 |
西二楼西329 |
This presentation will focus on advanced composite materials with fiber reinforcement. The principles of anisotropic characteristics of composite structures will be explained by different examples from different applications. The basic processing characteristics will be discussed; possibilities and limitations in different applications from aircraft to automotive are shown up. The potential of light weight applications are discussed in detail. |
Testing and Recycling of Polymers |
6月22日,10:00-11:30 |
西二楼西329 |
Testing methods for characterizing the mechanical/physical properties of polymers (pure polymers and with reinforcement) will be presented in this lecture. The presentation will include the Non Destructive Testing (NDT) as well as Destructive Testing (tension, compression etc.) methods for polymers, in order to get an impression about the potential of the materials. Under aspects of life cycle assessment (LCA) different recycling concepts will be discussed for pure and reinforced polymers. |
Prof. Gerhard Ziegmann现任德国下萨克森州复合材料研究中心教授,克劳斯塔尔工业大学聚合物材料与塑料工程研究所教授,德国科学研究联合会纳米复合材料专家组发言人,德国塑料工程协会和国际先进复合材料协会高级会员。1979年在德国亚琛工业大学塑料加工技术研究所(IKV)获得材料工程博士学位,1980-1985年在德国Dornier飞机公司进行结构件用复合材料及加工工艺研发,1986-1990年任德国AKZO公司复合材料应用工程部主管,负责研发碳纤维、芳纶纤维复合材料,并筹建复合材料质量控制系统应用技术实验室,为多家航空制造企业提供质量认证,1990-1998年任瑞士苏黎世工学院结构实验室主管,负责筹建复合材料构件成型技术实验室,1998-2012年任德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学教授,聚合物材料与塑料工程研究所主管,并与机电工程学院蒋炳炎教授课题组建立长期稳定合作关系,先后获得中德合作(PPP)以及中国国家自然科学基金外国青年学者基金等项目资助,合作培养博士研究生2名。研究领域包括:高填充聚合物基功能复合材料,纤维增强树脂基复合材料,纳米改性复合材料,聚合物基微纳结构零件精密成型等。