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发布时间:2018-05-02 点击数:

汇报题目:参加IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics参会报告

汇报时间:2018年5月2日(星期三) 19:00



会议名称:IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics

会议时间:24-28  2018

会议地点:Livorno, Italy.

会议简介:The conference aims at providing a proper space for discussing soft robotics challenges in research and applications, at international level. Given the young area and the lively interdisciplinary community that grew around soft robotics, an international conference on this topic is extremely timely and important for further developments in this field, for producing new science, new technologies and new opportunities for applications. The conference would be very suitable to young researchers and students, too. The interdisciplinary nature of soft robotics gives the conference the potential for attracting attendees from more disciplines and the current expectations around soft robotics provide the potential for attracting attendees from companies.


Poster presentation: U-turning an agile robotic cube by a soft dielectric elastomer resonator



Title: U-turning an agile robotic cube by a soft dielectric elastomer resonator

Author: Chao Tang, Bo Li, Hualing Chen

Abstract: Small robot is favorable in diverse application.Dielectric elastomer is soft active material, offering new insight in robotic actuation. This paper describes a lightweight robotic cube driven by a dielectric elastomer resonator (DER). The vibration performance of the DER is experimentally studied and characterized for a fast speed actuation in robotic cube. This robotic cube has an excellent athletic ability. Firstly, without wheel, leg or track, it can locomote rectilinearly at the first mode resonance frequency of DER, with the speed of 0.78 body length per second. Secondly, the robotic cube can change its direction (U-turn) at the second mode resonance frequency of DER. The robotic cube favors simplicity in manufacture and multi-mode locomotion integration controlled by a single actuator at its voltage change.

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