应威尼斯9499登录入口蒋庄德教授邀请,英国华威大学Isaac K. K. Liu教授于7月8日来我校进行学术交流及报告。
题目: Cell Mechanics for Tissue Engineering Applications
时间: 2013年7月8日星期一下午3点
报告人: Dr. Isaac Liu, Associate Professor (Reader), Warwick University (2009 - 至今)
Isaac Kuo-Kang Liu was formally a Reader (2003-2009) in Biomedical and Cell Engineering at the Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine, School of Medicine, Keele University and an Associate Professor (1998-2003) in the Mechanical and Production School of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He completed his PhD study at the Chemical Engineering Department of Imperial College London, UK in 1995. He is a fellow of Nanotechnology Institute, a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, and a senior member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). He is an editor of several prestigious journals. He has published 50 high-impact journal papers in Bioengineering and Biophysical areas and 30 other publications, including 2 US patents.