美国密西根大学吴贤铭先进制造技术中心Albert Shih教授讲座通知
应我校威尼斯9499登录入口卢秉恒院士、张俊副教授的邀请,美国密西根大学吴贤铭先进制造技术中心Albert Shih教授将来我校进行学术交流,并为我校师生做学术报告。学术报告的相关安排如下:
题 目:Biomedical Design and Manufacturing – A New Frontier for Manufacturing to Transform Healthcare and Aging Society
报告人:Albert Shih, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan
时 间:2013年6月1日(周六)上午9:00
地 点:交大曲江校区西五楼A420(第一会议室)
Healthcare and aging society are two grand and interconnected challenges, but also the great opportunities for engineering–particularly the design and manufacturing – as the frontier and a key, integral part to provide the system solution. This talk starts with the needs in healthcare demonstrated by a person’s journey in the current healthcare system to show the complex and dynamic interactions across the three levels – social, healthcare provider, and personal. The overlapping needs in the aging society for reconfigurable, personalized, and socially adoptable devices and systems are then elaborated. Examples of our prior research projects in geriatric assistive devices and systems, needle-based devices, and surgical thermal management system are presented to demonstrate how the design and manufacturing research and education can link with each other and make an impact in the future healthcare.
Albert Shih, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Associate Director of the Medical Innovation Center, Director of Global Automotive and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. After received his PhD degree at Purdue Univ. in 1991, Dr. Shih worked at Cummins Inc. at Columbus, Indiana as a manufacturing engineer to develop advanced machining process for a wide variety of diesel engine applications. From 1998 to 2002, he was Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University. He joined University of Michigan (UM) in 2003. Dr. Shih’s research and teaching interests are in design and manufacturing. Currently, Professor Shih's research and teaching focus are in biomedical design and manufacturing. He works closely with collaborators in the Medical School and is a co-founder of the Medical Innovation Center. Professor Shih is the Fellow of ASME and SME.