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发布时间:2013-09-22 点击数:


应威尼斯9499登录入口臧顺来副教授的邀请,法国Université de Bretagne-Sud的Sandrine Thuillier教授和Pierre-Yves Manach教授来访我校,访问期间将举行学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加。

讲座题目一:Mechanical behavior of sheet metals up to rupture - Applications to bending and hemming



讲座人:Sandrine Thuillier教授 (个人简介见附件的CV)


This presentation is focused on the mechanical behavior of sheet metals up to rupture, at

room temperature and in quasi-static regime. Experiments have been conducted on two materials,

an aluminium alloy AA6016 and a dual phase steel DP980. The hardening of these materials has

been characterized as well as the maximum strain at rupture, by mechanical testing in tension,

simple shear, biaxial tension (bulge test) and bending, with local strain measures using a Digital

Image Correlation technique. Ductile failure was evidenced with SEM observations, in order to

check the first occurrence of cracks. Moreover, the void volume fraction has been investigated by

X-ray microtomography for different triaxiality ratios.

Finite element simulations, based on Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model, extended to the

case of plastic anisotropy described by Hill’s 1948 yield criterion, were performed with Abaqus.

The parameters were identified by inverse analysis and by using finite element simulations for

inhomogeneous tests ; a critical void volume fraction was then determined. Applications concern

bending and hemming, and both macroscopic rupture criteria and critical void volume fraction

were used.

讲座题目二:An introduction to the LIMATB and theUniversityofSouthBrittany



讲座人:Pierre-Yves Manach教授

讲座简介:This presentation will show the LIMATB and the University, and also some research results from LIMATB.


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