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发布时间:2013-12-13 点击数:


题 目:Machining feature recognition and Cloud-based process planning services


时 间:2013年12月20日下午2:00

地 点:西五楼北楼A420会议室 (第1会议室)


Innovative knowledge-based Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) is a key enabler to minimise cost, improve adaptability, responsiveness, robustness, and sustainability of manufacturing processes. An European Commissin sponsored CAPP-4-SMEs project, worth 3.5 million Euro with 11 academic and industrial partners from UK, Sweden, Germany, Spain and Greece, is aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of European companies, particularly SMEs, in sustainable manufacturing environment. In this talk, progress in machining feature recognition and Cloud-based process planning services developed in the CAPP-4-SMEs will be reported.


Weidong Li is Full Professor in Manufacturing. After he obtained his PhD degree from the National University of Singapore, he worked at the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Bath University, Cranfield University, and now Coventry University. At present, he is Principle Investigators for 6 EPSRC or EU-sponsored projects, working with a number of academic and industrial partners across Europe.


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