主 题:Mechanism of Traumatic Brain Injury and rehabilitation(创伤性脑损伤及其康复)
主讲人:谷琳霞 副教授 (Associate Prof. Linxia Gu)(美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,UNL)
时 间:2013年5月9日 下午2:30—4:30
地 点: 威尼斯9499登录入口第三会议室(校本部西二楼中间大门上二层西侧)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has gained more attention recently. Experimental studies using head surrogates, animal models, and post-mortem human specimens combined with computational methods have been used to understand the mechanisms of TBI and to develop prevention strategies. However the fundamental mechanisms of blast-induced TBI remain unclear. In this talk, we will discuss how the experimental and computational models provide a valuable platform for producing a spectrum of brain injuries from the fluid-structure interactions, and for evaluating and developing preventive gears. I will also outline ongoing efforts to utilize high-performance computing for enhancing the rehabilitation strategies.
目前,创伤性脑损伤(Traumatic brain injury ,TBI)受到了很大的关注。实验研究中,通常利用大脑替代模型、动物模型、人体标本检验并结合计算方法来研究脑外伤的机制,同时提出预防措施。然而,目前对爆炸引发脑外伤的机制仍然不清楚。本次讲座中,将讨论如何利用实验和计算模型这个有价值的平台,从流体-结构相互作用中获得脑损伤频谱,同时评估和提出预防策略。另外,对今后如何利用高性能的计算来提高康复策略进行展望。
Dr. Linxia Gu is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She also serves as graduate committee chair for the Biomedical Engineering PhD program, and a faculty associate of the Center for Advanced Surgery Technology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE. She received her Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Florida in December 2004.
Dr. Gu’s research expertise lies in the field of material characterization and multi-scale, multi-physics computational mechanics, with applications to composites including vascular system and brain tissue. With funding from NSF, ARO, and NASA, she has published over 85 peer reviewed papers in addition to two book chapters and one editorial. She has received NSF CAREER award, Edgerton Innovation research award, Contribution to Students teaching award, and Outstanding Service Award in Material and Nanoscience Educational Outreach at the UNL.