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发布时间:2015-09-07 点击数:


1. 国际会议信息

·会议名称: IEEE NANO 2015 (2015 IEEE International IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology)

·会议时间: 27 - 30 JULY 2015

·会议地点: ROME (ITALY)


第十五届IEEE NANO 2015国际会议于2015年7月27-30日在意大利罗马召开。会议的目的在于探讨纳米技术和纳米科学各个领域的最新动态以及纳米科技研究与工业发展的关系, 促进信息交流。本届会议涉及领域包括纳米科技基础研究及应用研究的各个领域,包括:多尺度建模与仿真(Multiscale Modeling and Simulation); 纳米生物学(Nanobiology); 纳米电子学(Nanoelectronics); 纳米能源(Nanoenergy); 纳米制造和纳米组装(Nanofabrication and Nanoassemblies); 纳米流体(Nanofluidics); 纳米磁学(Nanomagnetics);纳米医学(Nanomedicine); 纳米机器人和纳米操纵(Nanorobotics and Nanomanipulation);纳米传感器和制动器(Nanosensors and Actuators)等纳米科技领域相关的研究方向。


Presentation -- Mushroom-shaped microfiber array by electrohydrodynamic structuring process for superhydrophobicity (胡鸿)

Presentation -- Nanowire-based flexible P(VDF-TrFE) nanogenerator for simultaneously harvesting mechanical and thermal energies.(陈小亮)

2. 回校汇报申请信息

·申请汇报时间:2015年9月8日 下午4:30-6:00点

·申请汇报地点:曲江科技园机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室 A328(北楼三楼东侧)室


3. 参会论文信息

·论文标题1: Mushroom-shaped microfiber array by electrohydrodynamic structuring process for superhydrophobicity

·作者: 胡鸿,邵金友,田洪淼,李祥明,姜承宝

·摘要: Bioinspired mushroom-shaped microfiber arrayed surface demonstrates superhydrophobicity. Such a textured surface is fabricated by an electrohydrodynamic (EHD)-based structuring process, which is a combination of hot embossing, electrically induced growing and electrowetting. First, an ordinary micropillar array is prestructured on a conductive substrate through the hot embossing process. Second, another planar plate, functioning as the upper electrode, combines the substrate and an air gap into a parallel capacitor, across which an electrical voltage is applied to generate a modulated electric field. The electrically induced Maxwell force could drive the polymer to grow towards upper electrode and spread transversely on it, forming the mushroom-shaped microfibers. Through an analysis on the early-stage kinetics of the pre-structured micropillars, we can find a suitable electrical potential to ensure the electrically-induced force is sufficient to drive the polymer growing upwards. The measured static contact angle of about 152° and contact angle hysteresis of about 11° demonstrate the superhydrophobicity of this mushroom-shaped microfiber arrayed surface.

·论文标题2:Nanowire-based flexible P(VDF-TrFE) nanogenerator for simultaneously harvesting mechanical and thermal energies


·摘要:This paper presents a high performance flexible nanogenerator based on P(VDF-TrFE) nanowire array that is capable of simultaneously harvesting mechanical and thermal energies. The nanowire array was synthesized by template-wetting P(VDF-TrFE) polymer into anodic aluminum oxide. The oriented β crystalline phase of the aligned P(VDF-TrFE) nanowires formed from nanoconfinement in AAO template nanoporous has been demonstrated by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrum and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. Under periodic mechanical bending, electric signals are repeatedly generated from the hybrid device and the measured output voltages reach 5.6V. Besides, upon exposure heat-cool condition with a temperature range of 7 K around room temperature, pyroelectric output up to 3.0V/50nA was observed and used to directly drive a LCD screen. Finally, the piezoelectric and pyroelectric output voltages were successfully integrated together under application of mechanical tapping and thermal irradiation at the same time. These results demonstrate the great potential of the flexible hybrid nanogenerator for self-powered electronic devices.


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