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发布时间:2015-09-06 点击数:



报告地点:曲江科技园机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室 A228室

汇 报 人: 高飞(博1420班,学号4114001111)




会议名称:11th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Sructures (DAMAS 2015)

会议日期:August 24-26, 2015



所参加会议为 11th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Sructures (DAMAS 2015),即结构损伤评估国际会议。会议旨在为损伤评估、结构健康监测、无损检测领域内的学术研究和工业生产提供专业意见。DAMAS为两年一次的国际会议,DAMAS 2015 是第十一届,在比利时根特大学举行。会议议题覆盖与机械结构和系统损伤评估相关的所有研究领域,包含数值仿真、传感器测试信号处理、理论技术和实验研究等工作。


Presentation:Local interrogations for detection of multiple defects using an active sensor network. (高飞)

Presentation:Mode purification for ultrasonic guided waves under pseudo-pulse excitation. (罗志)


论文标题1:Local interrogations for detection of multiple defects using an active sensor network


摘要:With the application of a clock-like sensor network, a local interrogation strategy is established to extend the reconstruction algorithm for the probabilistic inspection of damage (RAPID) into multiple defects identification. In this strategy, the monitoring area is divided into several monitoring subareas, and each subarea is covered by a particular sensor network. Local interrogations are then employed in each subarea using the associated network of sensing paths. Benefit from that, the artifacts arise from the intersection of key sensing paths associated with different defects may be absent completely from some monitoring subarea. With the application of a proper image fusion strategy, the artifacts would be reduced and the damage indications could be preserved. The algorithm is applied to an aluminum plate with two artificial through-thickness holes introduced. The results demonstrated that the RAPID algorithm with the application of local interrogations is capable of identifying multiple defects in plate-like structures.

论文标题2:Mode purification for ultrasonic guided waves under pseudo-pulse excitation.


摘要:Under broadband excitation, the captured Lamb wave signals contain rich information of the structural properties. However, since multiple modes are highly dispersive and overlapped with each other, Lamb wave signals are especially complicated to be interpreted. To overcome this problem, a mode purification strategy is established under pseudo-pulse excitation. In this strategy, a pseudo-pulse excitation technique is introduced to obtain a high resolution for the inspection firstly. Dispersion compensation method is applied to remove the dispersion of the received signal subsequently, through which all the wave packets associated with the interferential mode propagating through different paths could be compressed into the same shape as the excitation. Benefiting from that, the energy of the wave packets corresponding to the interference mode could be concentrated in time domain as individual temporal pulses, which thereby could be eliminated by zero-amplitude rectangular time windows without affecting the desired mode much. After that, the inverse dispersion compensation is applied to the residual signals to restore the original waveform of the desired mode. Finally, experiments are introduced to validate the availability and robustness of the proposed strategy.


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