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发布时间:2015-10-20 点击数:


1 汇报安排

题 目:参加SPIE Optifab 2015国际会议总结报告会

时 间:2015年10月23日(周五)下午14:30–16:30

地 点:曲江校区西五楼A228会议室

报 告 人:博1215班 孙彬 学号:4112001061

指导教师:李兵 教授


会议名称:2015 SPIE Optifab

会议日期:October, 12-15, 2015

会议地点:Rochester, NY , United States

会议简介:所参加的会议为SPIE Optifab, organized jointly by SPIE and APOMA, is the largest optical manufacturing conference and exhibition held in North America. Register to walk the exhibition floor, attend the technical program, or take a course. Take this opportunity to meet with top companies and to learn about the latest optical fabrication technologies.。


Title:A new error compensation strategy on Laser Displacement Sensor in free-form surface measurement

Author:Bin Sun, Bing Li

Abstract—The Laser Displacement Sensor is designed according to the principle of laser triangulation. It is a precise geometric measurement sensor, and it is characterized by non-contact and high measuring efficiency. However, the measurement accuracy of the LDS is easily influenced by other factors, especially for free-form surfaces where the incidence angle has greater impact on measurement accuracy and the research is relatively less. The paper proposes a new error compensation strategy and the method of calculating incidence angle. It can effectively improve the measurement accuracy of free-form surfaces by inclination error compensation. The experiment verifies the correctness and reliability of the error model by using a Laser Interferometer. The result shows that the measurement accuracy is less than 10μm.


地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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