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发布时间:2015-09-28 点击数:


  1. 汇报安排



汇报人:张烜 博1113班 学号:4111001046


  1. 参会信息

会议名称:ITC2015, Tokyo (International Tribology Conference 2015)

会议时间:15-20 Sep. 2015



ITC是由日本摩擦学会(JAST)组织的国际性会议。紧随着1975年举行的先行会议JSLE-ASLE国际润滑会议,第一次ITC会议于1985年在东京举行。而随后一系列的国际摩擦学会议分别在Nagoya(1990), Yokohama (1995), Nagasaki (2000), Kobe (2005), Hiroshima (2011)这些城市成功开展,这次将由Tokyo进行举办。JAST是致力于摩擦、润滑以及材料等综合学科研究的非营利性组织。学会每年举办各种国际性技术研讨会以及各种短期课程和教学活动,所形成的会议文献反映了相应专业领域的最新进展和动态,具有极高的学术价值。而此次ITC会议囊括了基本上所有与摩擦学相关的领域,包括摩擦和润滑机理研究、新材料、环保领域的应用、表面镀膜以及在生物医学领域的应用,代表了摩擦学届全球的最高水平以及最前沿的进展。

  1. 参会论文

Title: Prediction of Contact Mechanics of UHMWPE Hip Implant under Realistic Joint Loading

Authors: Xuan Zhang and Zhongmin Jin

Abstract: Finite element analysis (FEA) has been widely used to investigate the contact mechanics of UHMWPE hip implants. However, the majority of these studies have used simplified loading boundary conditions for FEA, where the magnitude, direction and centre of the loading, are assumed from literature. In this study, a patient specific musculoskeletal (MSK) lower limb model implanted with either a new or a worn UHMWPE cup was used to predict the loading boundary conditions and then for FEA. The corresponding predictions were compared with those under simplified boundary conditions.

An MSK lower limb model using force-dependent kinematics (FDK) approach was adopted to calculate the hip loading, contact area and the translation of the hip joint centre. Such a model was capable of considering the implant with both the geometry of the femoral head and the acetabular cup, and the materials properties. A patient, available from a previous study, was considered. The measured kinematics, ground reaction forces and patient anatomical parameters were used to construct the MSK model and conduct the dynamics analysis. The predicted 3D peak hip joint loading with the corresponding joint centre was adopted in the FEA. A simplified loading case was also considered, with the magnitude of the resultant force assumed the same as the MSK prediction in the direction of 15°medially and without the consideration of the joint centre translation. The hip implant with a 32 mm diameter femoral head against a UHMWPE cup was adopted. The inclination angle of the cup was 45°. Wear on the UHMWPE cup was considered by intersecting the cup using the femoral head in the direction of the simplified resultant loading by a depth (linear penetration). Different penetrations were considered: 0, 1, 3, and 4 mm. The MSK model and FEA were solved using software AnyBody and ABAQUS.

The predicted contact area from the MSK model was highly consistent with the FEA and this was particularly true when the penetration was considered. The contact area was found to shift towards to the superior edge of the cup as the penetration was increased for both cases. However, the contact area under the full loading was closer to the posterior edge of the cup as well as with 14% higher maximum contact pressure. Therefore the consideration of the patient specific loading is more likely to change the contact mechanics and the likelihood of the edge loading and failure.


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