应威尼斯9499登录入口赵玉龙教授的邀请,日本东北大学金属材料研究所 久保 百司(Momoji Kubo)教授来我校交流并作学术讲座。欢迎师生届时听讲座并参加讨论。
题目:Development of Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulators on MEMS, Semiconductor, and Tribology Processes
Prof. Momoji Kubo is a full professor of Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan. He received Bachelor degree in 1990 and Master degree in 1992 from Department of Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan. From 1992, he was a research associate, Department of Molecular Chemistry & Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan. In 1999, he received Ph. D degree from Tohoku University. In 2001, he was promoted to an associate professor, Department of Materials Chemistry, Tohoku University and then in 2008 he was promoted to a full professor, Fracture and Reliability Research Institute, Tohoku University. In 2015, he moved to Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University. In 2006, he received the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (The Young Scientists’ Prize) for his pioneering development of multi-physics quantum chemical molecular dynamics simulator. He received Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work in 2013 and Award of Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan in 2015 for his development of multi-physics and multi-scale computational science technologies.
By the recent advancement of nano-technology, “chemical reaction” at nano-scale significantly affects the macro-scale property and performance of MEMS, semiconductor and tribology systems, and then the electronic-level control of the chemical reactions is essential even in the MEMS, semiconductor and tribology systems. Especially, electronic-level understanding of the multi-physics phenomena including the “chemical reaction” and “friction, impact, stress, fluid, photon, electron, heat, electric fields etc.” is very important. Previously, continuum simulations such as finite element method have been employed for the investigation on the multi-physics phenomena without chemical reactions at macro-scale. However, quantum chemical approach is essential for the elucidation of chemical reactions. Hence, we recently succeeded in the development of new multi-physics simulator based on our original first-principles and tight-binding quantum chemical molecular dynamics methods, which enables us to simulate the multi-physics phenomena including “chemical reaction” and “friction, impact, stress, fluid, photon, electron, heat, electric fields etc.” We also developed multi-scale simulator to clarify the effect of “chemical reaction” at nano-scale on the macro-scale property and performance of MEMS, semiconductor, and tribology systems (Fig. 2). Moreover, we applied the above simulators to a wide variety of energy problems, environmental problems, and nanotechnologies. The detailed information on our successful applications can be seen athttp://www.kubo.rift.mech.tohoku.ac.jp/eng/theme.html.