时 间:2015年9月24日上午10:00-11:00
地 点:威尼斯9499登录入口第三会议室
汇报人:魏斌 博1214班 学号:4112001033
会议名称:SPIE(The international society for optics and photonics)
会议时间:9-13 August 2015
会议地点:San Diego
会议简介:SPIE(International Society for Optical Engineering,国际光学工程学会) 成立于1955年,是致力于光学、光子学和电子学领域的研究、工程和应用的著名专业学会。它是一个非赢利性组织,在全球大约有15000名会员。学会每年举办超过350次的国际性技术研讨会以及各种短期课程和教学活动,所形成的会议文献反映了相应专业领域的最新进展和动态,具有极高的学术价值。SPIE会议录收录了自从1963年以来由SPIE主办的或参与主办的,超过5,000卷的会议论文,汇集了光学工程、光学物理、光学测试仪器、遥感、激光器、机器人及其工业应用、光电子学、图像处理和计算机应用等领域的最新研究成果以及大量原始的、新颖的、先进的研究记录,被世界上无数的大学、政府和企业图书馆收藏。具有信息量大、报导速度快、涉及交叉学科领域广泛等特点,已成为光学及其应用领域科技人员极为重视和欢迎的情报源,是国际著名的会议文献出版物。SPIE数字图书馆除了包含上述著名的会议录外,还出版了4种著名的专业期刊。
Title:Rapid Three-Dimensional Chromoscan System of Body Surface Based On Digital Fringe Projection
Author:Bin Wei, Jin Liang, Jie Li, Maodong Ren
Abstract:This paper proposes a rapid body scanning system that uses optical digital fringe projection method. Twelve cameras and four digital projectors are placed around the human body from four different directions, so that the body surface three-dimensional(3D) point cloud data can be scanned in 5~8 seconds. It can overcome many difficulties in a traditional measurement method, such as laser scanning causes damage to human eye and low splicing accuracy using structured white light scanning system. First, an accurate calibration method based on close-range photogrammetry, is proposed and verified for calibrating the twelve cameras and the four digital projectors simultaneously, where a 1m×2m plate as calibration target with feature points pasted on its two-sides is used. An experiment indicates that the proposed calibration method, with a re-projection error less than 0.05pixels, has a considerable accuracy. The whole 3D body surface color point cloud data can be measured without splice different views of point cloud, because of the high accuracy calibration results. Then, in order to measure the whole body point cloud data with high accuracy, a combination of single and stereo camera measuring method, based on digital fringe projection, has presented to calculating 3D point cloud data. At last, a novel body chromoscan system is developed and a human body 3D digital model was scanned, by which a physical body model was manufactured using 3D printing technology.