美国马里兰大学电子计算机工程系终身教授 Dr. William Levine学术讲座通知
应威尼斯9499登录入口智能检测与仪器研究所徐光华教授的邀请,美国马里兰大学电子计算机工程系终身教授 Dr. William Levine 来我校交流并作学术讲座。欢迎师生届时参加讲座,研究生计学分。
题目:An Optimal Control Model for Human Postural Regulation
地点:曲江校区 机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室 西五楼A424 会议室
Dr. William S. Levine received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from M.I.T. He then joined the faculty of the University of Maryland, College Park. He has been President of both the IEEE Control Systems Society and the American Automatic Control Council. He has also been the Chairman of the SIAM special interest group in Control Theory and its Applications. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Distinguished Member of the IEEE Control Systems Society, and a recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He and his collaborators received the Schroers Award. He and another group of collaborators received the award for outstanding paper in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control for “Discrete Time Point Processes in Urban Traffic Queue Estimation.” His current research is on the regulation of posture by humans, the control of muscular hydrostats (tongues, tentacles, and trunks), the control aspects of surgical and assistive robots, and on model predictive control. His current consulting is for Brookhaven National Laboratories and the Chinese Academy of Science.
Dr. William Levine 美国马里兰大学电子计算机工程系终生教授,世界优化控制理论大师,国际IEEE协会终身院士 (Life Fellow) ,千年奖章 (Millennium Medal) 获得者。长期致力于最优控制理论及生物力学研究。Levine教授重点关注非线性优化控制中的延迟问题,其成果在最优控制的众多领域,具有重要应用价值,为人机交互系统研究提供了重要的数学工具。