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发布时间:2015-12-11 点击数:


1 汇报安排

题 目:参加 COMADEM 2015+X CORENDE国际会议总结报告会

时 间:2015年12月12日(周六)晚上19:00–20:00

地 点:交大曲江校区西五楼北楼A228会议室

报 告 人:

博1015班 朱小军 学号:4110001057 指导教师:陈雪峰 教授

博1115班 李国英 学号:4111001018 指导教师:陈雪峰 教授

2 参加国际会议信息


会议日期:1-4 December, 2015

会议地点:Buenos Aires, Argentina

会议简介:The Congress intends to invite and integrate people involved in this study area in an open forum. The purpose of the congress is to encourage and facilitate exchange of information and experiences from all regions of the world. COMADEM is the opportunity to get in touch with technologies that continuously improve and enhance the quality, reliability, safety, availability, maintainability and performance of all assets (both physical and human) for as long as possible and to derive maximum benefits with minimum risk. CORENDE is a forum to discuss the improvements in the technologies used in the evaluation of components, systems and structures: non-destructive testing, personnel certification, standards, welding inspection, maintenance and structural testing. The program will provide an unrivalled opportunity to network with representatives from globally significant research centers, industry leading companies, government organizations, professional bodies and Universities.

3 参会论文信息

Tittle: Damage Dedection of Composite Material Wind Turbine Blades

Author: Xiaojun Zhu,Xuefeng Chen and Zhi Zhai

Abstract- For the problem that composites wind turbine blades always occurre damage, a composite microscopic damage analysis model based on a microscopic failure criterion is proposed. The unidirectional composite laminated plates with periodic microstructures are modelled by the generalized method of cells (GMC). A microscopic failure criterion based Huang model, where the failure mode of fiber and matrix are characterized respectively microscopically, is also introduced. Static loading experiments are carried on composite wind turbine blades with two different states (damaged and undamaged). The influence of the damage on the strain of the wind turbine blades is monitored by the fiber bragg grating. The strain curves get through the failure experiment of the typical unidirectional laminate are used to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed. The experimental results show that the carrying capacity of the composite wind turbine blades will reduce when it is damaged, and their strain curves can be used to monitor the health statement of wind turbine blades. The proposed model can predict the mechanical properties and breaking strength values of unidirectional composite plates very well.

Tittle: Fault diagnosis of stay bolt looseness for the dismountable disk-and-drum rotor of aero-engine

Author: Xiaoli Zhang, Baojian Wang, Guoying Li and Xuefeng Chen

Abstract- The dismountable disk-and-drum rotor of an aero-engine refers to the rotor constituted by separate discs or several segments of nonremovable rotor, which is a non-continuous holistic rotor jointed by some dismountable stay bolts with sufficient preload. The assembly tightness and the preload distribution uniformity of the stay bolts along the circumferential discs are the major factors affecting the vibration characteristics of the rotor. Vibration response signals are acquired by shaker and accelerometers with stay bolts from looseness to tightness, which are analysed in time and frequency domain. It is found that the amplitude of the vibration response signal decreases to a lower value and high frequency resonance peaks shift to lower frequencies since the rotor stiffness is reduced when stay bolts loose. Some statistical features in time and frequency domain exhibit monotone increasing or decreasing rules. Finally, support vector machine is trained to construct relationships between vibration signal features and stay bolt looseness patterns. The

mean accuracy of recognizing the stay bolt states from looseness to tightness hits 93.33%, which attains a satisfactory result.

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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