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高丽大学Myoung-Gyu Lee副教授学术讲座通知

发布时间:2016-04-29 点击数:

高丽大学Myoung-Gyu Lee副教授学术讲座通知

应威尼斯9499登录入口模具与先进成形技术研究所臧顺来副教授的邀请,高丽大学材料科学与工程学院副教授Myoung-Gyu Lee来我校交流并作学术讲座。

报告题目:Modeling strain path effect on the mechanical behavior of advanced high strength steels

人:Myoung-Gyu Lee




Emerging structural metals show complex mechanical behavior due to their microstructural complications. The particular complex responses include high anisotropy, non-linearity, and asymmetry in the stress-strain responses. For example, advanced high strength steels (AHSS) show significant anisotropic and asymmetric behavior under strain path changes, and magnesium alloys have strong strength differential between tension and compression. For accurate descriptions of the complex material behavior, advanced constitutive models and corresponding numerical technique have been developed and applied to process optimization for better product quality. In parallel with advanced simulation technologies, novel experimental techniques characterizing this complexity in mechanical responses of materials have been devised. The novel mechanical test methods represent multi-axial and non-proportional characteristics of corresponding material models. In this talk, recent trends of constitutive modeling and FE simulations in the field of material science and manufacturing will be briefly introduced. Then, more details on the constitutive modeling procedure to capture complex anisotropic and nonlinear mechanical behaviors of steels will be provided.


Myoung Gyu Lee, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering, Korea University


Degree Date School Major

Ph.D. 2004 Seoul National University, Korea Materials Sci. & Eng.

M.S. 1999 Seoul National University, Korea Fiber & Polymer Eng.

B.S. 1997 Seoul National University, Korea Fiber & Polymer Eng.


2014. 09 – present Associate Professor,Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Korea,Adjunct Professor, GIFT, POSTECH, Korea

2014. 03 – 2014. 08 Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

2010. 03 – 2014. 02 Assistant Professor,Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

2007. 05 – 2010. 02 Senior Researcher, Steel Research Group, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM), Korea

2004. 10 – 2007. 04 Postdoctoral Researcher, Materials Science and Engineering, ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Editorial/external committee Activities

- Guest editor ofInternational Journal of Plasticity(2015.10)

- Editor ofTransactions of Material Processing(2013. 01 – present)

- Editorial Committee Member ofMetals and Materials International(2010. 02 – present)

-Editorial Committee Member ofJournal of theKorean Society for Technology of Plasticity(2007 02. – present.)

- Scientific Committee of IDDRG (International Deep Drawing Community) (2015.07 - ), Expected Chair of IDDRG 2020 (Pusan, Korea)

- Member of Committee Member of Forming and Shaping division of TMS (2014 - )


- International Journal of Plasticity Award, 2014.01, Int. J. Plasticity

- Best Paper Award, 2013, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials

- Young Scientist Award, 2012,The Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity

- Good reviewer Award, 2015, Metals and Materials International

- Excellent Achievement Award, 2011, NUMISHEET 2011, Seoul, Korea

Professional Memberships

Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIM)

Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity (KSTP)

Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Member of Shaping & forming division (TMS)

American Society for Mechanical Engineer (ASME)

Research Interests

- Constitutive modeling of nonlinear, anisotropic materials

- Plasticity theory, modeling and experiments

- Finite element simulations and mechanics of materials

- Experimental mechanics: digital image correlations, virtual fields method

- Thermo-mechanical-metallurgical simulations including phase transformations

- Springback and residual stress modeling of advanced materials

- Lightweight material design (Mg alloys, composites)

Summary of academic achievement (As of March 2016)

Over 150 ISI indexed International Journal Papers, over 3,000 citations (Google Scholar Citations: 4857)

Over 200 conference proceedings

4 book chapters in major publisher

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