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发布时间:2016-06-16 点击数:


报告学者:Lei Zuo, ASME Fellow,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学

报告题目:Energy Harvesting: from Wireless Sensing to Renewable Energy




Energy Harvesting: from Wireless Sensing to Renewable Energy

Lei Zuo, ASME Fellow, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering,

Associate Director of Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Abstract: Extensive research has been done in the past ten years on the energy harvesting, which enables many promising applications like self-powered wireless sensors. The energy harvesting is also being extended to large energy scale. In this seminar the speaker will overview the energy harvesting at micro and milli watts scale, then present his unique efforts and recent results on large scale energy harvesting, with interdisciplinary challenges in intelligent materials, vibration dynamics, mechatronics design, control systems, and power electronics. The topics include energy-harvesting tuned mass damper for tall buildings, energy-harvesting vehicle suspensions, mechanical motion rectifier-based power takeoff for ocean wave energy harvesting and railway track energy harvesting. Vibration energy harvesting based on piezoelectric materials will also be presented in which we stress on the strategies of increasing the harvesting power and achieving simultaneous vibration control. Finally the speaker will summarize his vision of energy harvesting research.


左磊, 美国麻省理工学院机械工程博士(2005),麻省理工学院机械工程和电子工程双硕士(2002), 清华大学汽车工程系学士(1997), 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)会士(Fellow)。

现为美国弗吉利亚理工大学 (Virginia Tech)机械工程系讲席副教授,博士生导师,能源回收和机电一体化实验室主任, 美国国家科学基金工业与大学联合研究中心(NSF-IUCRC)能量回收材料和系统中心副主任。

左磊曾在Abbott和GE公司工作四年和纽约州立大学石溪分校工作六年(助理教授和终身副教授)。主要研究领域包括能量回收,振动与运动控制,机电一体化设计,车辆动力学,热电材料和热电装置,智能多功能材料和结构,先进传感器等。左磊教授是美国国家科学基金,美国能源部,美国交通部,美国环保署,美国海军研究局,纽约州能源研发局,弗吉利亚州创新技术中心, 工业界等四十多个研究项目(共九百万美元)的课题主要负责人。他的研究曾多次被多家主流媒体采访报道,包括纽约时报,MIT科技评论,ASME机械工程杂志,PhysOrg,新闻日报,TV10/55。左磊教授曾获美国机械工程师学会(ASME)Thar能量设计奖,美国汽车工程学会(SAE) Ralph R. Teetor 教育奖,美国环保署(EPA) P3奖。他的能量回收研究被评为2011和2015年度世界前100科技创新获研发奖(R&D 100 Award,R&D杂志 ),2010和2014年最佳能量回收科技开发奖。左磊博士发表150多篇国际期刊和会议论文,包括三篇最佳论文奖,并拥有多项美国专利。左磊教授是美国ASME和IEEE多个专业技术委员会的委员,和三个学术期刊的责任编辑(Associate Editor),包括ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics和IEEE/ASME Transaction on Mechatronics .

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