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发布时间:2016-06-12 点击数:


1. 汇报安排

题目:参加IEEE I2MTC 2016国际会议总结报告会






2 .参加国际会议信息

·会议名称:IEEE I2MTC 2016(2016 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference)

·会议时间: 23 – 26 MAY 2016

·会议地点: 台北, 台湾

·会议简介:国际仪表与测量技术会议(International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference,I2MTC)是IEEE仪表与测量学会(IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society)主办的仪器仪表领域顶级国际学术会议,会议主题包括:仪表与测量基础、传感器与换能器、物理量测量、测量系统、测量应用、信号与图像处理、监测与故障诊断和工业应用等。


Presentation –Construction of optimal dual tree complex wavelet for bonding quality detection of explosive composite structure.

3. 参会论文信息

·论文标题: Construction of optimal dual tree complex wavelet for bonding quality detection of explosive composite structure.

·作者: 思悦,张周锁,袁飞晨,王洪方,刘强

·摘要:—This paper investigates the construction method of optimal dual-tree complex wavelet (ODTCW), to extract the desired mode feature signal from the vibration signal without mode aliasing. Dual-tree complex wavelet with attractive properties such as shift invariance and reduced spectral aliasing may provide a possibility to extract the desired features from vibration signal. However, the fixed basis functions independent of the analyzed signal may weaken the advantage of the method and even decrease the accuracy of detection result. To overcome this deficiency, the proposed construction method starts with the design of approximate Hilbert transform pairs of wavelet bases, by means of changing the parameters of vanishing momentKand the degree of approximation to the half-sample delayL,a set of wavelet basis functions with different frequency characteristic obtained. Based on the analyzed signal, by the rule of the crest maximum principle to search for optimal dual-tree complex wavelet basis functions which best match the analyzed signal. The ODTCW is combined with time entropy to detect bonding quality of explosive composite pipes and the results demonstrate its superiority.


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