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发布时间:2016-06-11 点击数:



题 目:参加CIRP-CMS 2016国际会议总结报告会

时 间:2016年6月14日14:30-14:50

地 点:科技园西五楼北楼会议室A228


学 号:4114001062

指导教师:周光辉 教授



会议日期:25-27 May, 2016

会议地点:Stuttgart, Germany


The CIRP-CMS 2016 is sponsored by the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA. It will be held in Stuttgart, Germany on May 25-27, 2016. The theme of the conference is “Factories of the Future in the digital environment”. The main scope of the Conference is to provide an international forum for the exchange of the knowledge, information, experience and results as well as the review of progress and discussion on the state-of-the-art and future trends in advanced manufacturing systems.


Title: A calculation method of embodied carbon-energy for low-carbon products

Author: Qi Lu, Guanghui Zhou , Jiakai Zhu

Abstract: This paper was aiming at creating an effective way to calculate product’s carbon emissions at the perspective of products themselves rather than the whole system boundary. In order to calculate the carbon emissions in the manufacturing stage and usage stage, as the two largest contributors in life cycle, we propose a calculation method of “embodied carbon-energy (ECE)” of products/components/parts. The ECE took carbon footprint as a metric for estimating energy and materials variation occurring in various phases of products. First, we divided the activities happened in products’ life cycle into two types, i.e. active energy activities and auxiliary energy activities. Then, we discussed the two main phases in detail. In the manufacturing stage, the increment of ECE was increased due to energy variation in manufacturing processes. Therefore, the active energy activities were the processes providing for components or parts, containing mass-reducing processes, mass-unchanging processes and joining processes; the auxiliary energy activities provided support for processes. Similarly, in the usage stage, the increment of ECE was increased caused by different functions needed to be realized. The active energy activities were energy consumption by using products; the auxiliary energy activities were manly caused by various subcomponents of products. The total ECE was the sum of initial ECE and the ECE of activities in these stages. Finally, an example of honing machine and its critical components validated the feasibility of the proposed method. The method provided a novel insight into the calculation of carbon emissions in the main life cycle phase of products and laid a foundation for low-carbon design from the perspective of products themselves for further study.


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