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发布时间:2016-06-06 点击数:



题目:参加CIRP HPC2016 国际会议总结报告会





指导教师:赵万华 教授

2 .参加国际会议信息

会议名称:7thCIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting HPC2016 & 4thInternational Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium ICMC2016

会议日期:31 May – 2 June, 2016

会议地点:Chemnitz, Germany

会议简介:The Double Conference HPC 2016 and ICMC 2016 is headed “Productivity versus Robustness” and focuses on the interactions of machine, control, process, tool and the complex interdependency with the objective of resource-efficient production.

The conference are organized by the Fraunhofer institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU and aim at scientists as well as leading engineers in industry and research institutions.


Title: Investigation on morphological evolution of chips for Ti6Al4V alloys with the increasing milling speed

Author: Hongguang Liu, Jun Zhang, Yifei Jiang, Yong He, Xiang Xu, Wanhua Zhao

Abstract: Titanium alloy, one kind of typically difficult-to-cut materials, is widely used as structural parts in aerospace industry. In this study, orthogonal

milling, an experimental way based on Buda’s method to realize orthogonal cutting by milling and different from conventional method to realize high cutting speed for difficult-to-cut materials like ballistic impact, is adopted to reach the cutting speed ranging from 50-500m/min for Ti6Al4V alloy. Cutting forces and cutting temperatures are both measured, and the obtained chips are analyzed by metallurgical treatments. The results show that the serrated degree(G s ) of chips increases first and then decreases with the elevating cutting speed, and continuous-to-serrated transition occurs in one single chip, which is different from the regular rules that G s remains increasing with elevating cutting speed. But the measured cutting forces and temperatures show the same variation as serrated phenomenon, it may be concluded that cutting forces and temperatures are the critical factors in morphological evolution of chips.

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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