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发布时间:2016-09-06 点击数:


1 汇报安排

题 目:参加2016实体自由成形会议总结报告会

时 间:2016年9月9日15:00-16:40

地 点:交大曲江校区西五楼A428会议室


2 参加国际会议信息

会议名称:2016 Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF Symp 2016)

会议日期:8-10 August, 2016

会议地点:Austin, Texas,USA

会议简介:SFF会议(International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference,国际实体自由成型会议-增材制造会议)成立于1990年,是致力于实体自由成型、增材制造领域的研究、工程和应用的著名专业会议,会议重点关注实体自由成型技术领域最新的研究进展和解决方案,迄今已成功举办26届会议,在增材制造领域具有较高的影响力。


Presentation:Effect of Porous Structure on the Compressive Strength of PEEK Scaffolds by Selective Laser Sintering(汇报人:赵峰)

Presentation:Rapid Fabrication of Complex Porous Polyamide Mold by Selective Laser Sintering for Pressure Slip Casting(汇报人:晏梦雪)

Presentation:Recycling and Remanufacturing of 3D Printed Continuous Carbon Fiber

Reinforced PLA Composites(汇报人:刘腾飞)

3 参会论文信息

Title: Effect of Porous Structure on the Compressive Strength of PEEK Scaffolds by Selective Laser Sintering

Author: Feng Zhao; Dichen Li; Zhongmin Jin; Yi Cao; Yaxiong Liu; Jiankang He; Ling Wang

Abstract: Excellent biocompatibility, as well as suitability for various medical imagings, makes PEEK a promising material for bone defects repairs. Porous structure is considered to be essential to cell proliferation in bone tissue engineering and bone ingrowth in the biological fixation of spinal, trauma and joint implants. To produce a complex porous structure, addictive manufacturing is always employed to overcome the limitations encountered with traditional processing methods. Therefore, PEEK scaffolds was fabricated with different porosities by selective laser sintering in this study, and the relationship between the porosity and the mechanical properties of the scaffolds were investigated. The results showed that the range of the total porosity from 0 to 80% resulted in the compressive strength from 130MPa to 8MPa. Additionally, the minimum interconnected pore size obtained from the experiments was 500~600μm, which is a favorable condition for new bone formation.

Title: Rapid Fabrication of Complex Porous Polyamide Mold by Selective Laser Sintering for Pressure Slip Casting

Author: Mengxue Yan; Xiaoyong Tian; Yi Cao1; Dichen Li

Abstract: A novel method to prepare porous resin mold for pressure slip casting was proposed by using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) process using polyamide as matrix material and salt (NaCl) as pore-foaming agent. To investigate the process feasibility of the pressure slip casting with the porous resin mold, the compressive strength and porosity were measured. Experiments showed a compressive strength of 7.19MPa and an elastic modulus of 32.26MPa were reached. The porosity was 59.75%, and the aperture concentrated in 25~75μm. The water permeability of the specimens was verified and the result showed the maximum permeability reached to 0.921mL/ (mm2•s). Pressure slip casting with porcelain slurry was performed, experimental results showed the moisture content of the cake was about 23% and the green density was 1.84~1.97g/cm3. At last, a green body of whiteware with complex surface was prepared to demonstrate the feasibility of pressure slip casting with the porous resin mold.

Title: Recycling and Remanufacturing of 3D Printed Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced PLA Composites

Author: Tengfei Liu; Xiaoyong Tian; Yugang Duan; Dichen Li

Abstract: Low-cost manufacturing and recycling technologies for high-performance continuous fiber reinforced composites are very important to industrial applications. A novel 3D printing based fabrication process of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites (CFRTPCs) was proposed. Continuous carbon fiber and PLA fi lament were utilized as reinforcing phase and matrix, respectively, and simultaneously fed into the fused deposition modeling (FDM) process realizing the integrated preparation and forming of CFRTPCs. When the fiber content of printed composite specimens reached 27%, flexural strength of 335MPa and modulus of 30 GPa were obtained. Recycling and remanufacturing strategy for 3D printed CFRTPCs was proposed to retrieve the carbon fiber and PLA matrix in the form of PLA impregnated carbon fiber filament, which could be reused as the raw material for CFRTPCs 3D printing process. Remanufactured CFRTPCs specimens exhibited a 25% higher bending strength than that of originally printed samples.


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