1. 汇报安排
2. 参加国际会议信息
·会议名称:ICSV23 (The 23rdInternational Congress on Sound and Vibration)
·会议时间:10-14 July 2016
·会议简介:第23届国际声学与振动会议(ICSV23,The 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration)是由国际声与振动学会IIAV发起组织的声学与振动研究方面的系列国际学术会议,从1994年开始,每年举行一次,迄今已举办了23届,每届会议的参加人数在400~800人之间,同时会议还展出声学与振动研究方面最新的仪器设备产品和技术,是振动领域影响力最为广泛的学术会议,具有很高的国际声誉。
Presentation –Low-frequency beam-like inertial amplification metamaterials.(侯明明)
3. 参会论文信息
·论文标题:Low-frequency beam-like inertial amplification metamaterials
·摘要:In this paper, low-frequency beam-like inertial amplification metamaterials (IAM) are investigated based on the local resonance theory. The inertial amplification mechanism is proposed to obtain the low-frequency bandgaps by altering the geometry parameters of the beam-like structures rather than changing the material properties (e.g. modulus, density etc.), which could reach to the first lower band gap than the traditional local-resonance structures. The band structures, frequency response curves, and the vibration modes of the beam-like structures are calculated and analysed by using the finite element method (FEM). The numerical results show that the first band gap of the structure ranges from 23 to 21 Hz. The frequency response curves are in accordance with those of the dispersion relationship. It is found that the interaction between the local resonance based on inertial amplification theory and the traveling wave modes in the proposed structure is responsible for the formation of the first band gap. This kind of IAM could provide an effective approach to obtain the low-frequency band gaps and could have many potential applications in the low frequency vibration reduction.