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发布时间:2016-07-08 点击数:








·会议名称:SMT30 (The 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies)

·会议时间:28th June – 3rd July, 2016


·会议简介:第30届表面改性技术国际会议(SMT30,The 30th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies)旨在推进表面科学工程的研究进展,促进相关科学家和工程师的合作与交流。会议涉及工业材料、金属、合金、聚合物、陶瓷、聚合物、复合材料、先进材料及先进加工成形技术,是材料、航天、能源、生物工程等领域的国际顶级学术会议,具有较高的学术水平。


Presentation – Surface Modification of Tin Copper Alloy Components by Integrate Rotary Swaging and Isothermal Heat Treatment Process.(曹苗)

Presentation – Research of Radial Forging Technology for Forming Thread of Planetary Roller Screw.(张超)

Presentation – FEA and Experiment Study on Joining by Rotary Swaging Method.(张以升)


·论文标题:Surface Modification of Tin Copper Alloy Components by Integrate Rotary Swaging and Isothermal Heat Treatment Process.


·摘要:Rotary swaging process is one of severe plastic deformation processes and the swaged anisotropic materials can be changed to isotropic by isothermal heat treatment (IHT). The simulation results shows that stress distribution doeasn’t relay on die speed and friction condition in the axial section and metal flow of copper bars is affected by die speed and friction condition during rotary swaging process. The simulation results are verified by experiment. Microstructures of swaged material and the swaged material after IHT are studied, and the mechanical properties of as-cast copper alloy and IHT copper alloy are investigated. We find different compressive strain-stress relations for microstructures formed from different isothermal heat treatment after rotary swaging. The rotary swaged material after IHT with small globular micro-grains are found to exhibit smoother surface and lower strength than the as-cast copper with dendrite micro-grains. These results proved that integrate rotary swaging and isothermal heat treatment processing can produce nearly isotropic tin copper alloy with homogeneous and globular micro-grains throughout and modify the surface quality of compression workpieces.

·论文标题:Research of Radial Forging Technology for Forming Thread of Planetary Roller Screw


·摘要:In the paper, a net-shape radial forging process for forming thread of planetary roller screw (PRS) from a shaft billet is carried out through 3D finite element method (FEM). The process is performed by a manipulator, an induction coil, a back anvil, and four radial forging dies with continuous threaded forging surfaces. Firstly, the process principle, the design rules of the radial forging die, and the movement relationship between the billet and the forging dies are described. After studying of the material characteristics of steel 42CrMo, the 3D-FE model of the process under the software environment of Forge is established. The temperature distribution of the billet during electromagnetic induction preheating stage is studied. And the radial forging stage is performed depending on a proper temperature distribution field of the billet. Three primary loads, the flow of materials and the strain state of the billet in the radial forging process are discussed. Finally, a main screw of PRS with threads of well forming is investigated through the FE simulation.

·论文标题:FEA and Experiment Study on Joining by Rotary Swaging Method


·摘要:Connection of difficult welding materials, such as copper, aluminum and plastic, is a key challenge in manufacturing industry. In this paper, joining by rotary swaging process is used to connect copper tube/aluminum tube and copper tube/plastic bar. Using finite element analysis method, the rule of metal flow during rotary swaging is studied. We find the length of overlapped area should exceed a certain value to get a steady joint. There is a positive corresponding relation between connecting strength and necking. Some experiments are also carried out. Experiment result shows that this connecting method is effective, and the joints are reliable enough.


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