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博士生许才彬、周子桐参加IEEE IECON 2016国际会议回校报告

发布时间:2016-11-02 点击数:

博士生许才彬、周子桐参加IEEE IECON 2016国际会议回校报告

1. 汇报安排

题目:参加IEEE IECON 2016国际会议总结报告会




2. 参加国际会议信息

会议名称:The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

会议时间:October 24-27, 2016

会议地点:Piazza Adua, 1 - Firenze (Florence), Italy

会议简介:IECON 2016 is the 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications of electronics, controls, communications, instrumentation and computational intelligence.

The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology, and fellowship. IECON 2016 will be held concurrently with the IEEE IES Industry Forum and with the IEEE IES Students' Forum.

On behalf of the Industrial Electronics Society (IES) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the main sponsor of this prestigious international event and on behalf of the conference’s various committees it is our pleasure and honour to invite and welcome you as a participant in IEEE-IECON 2016. IECON series is the premier and flagship conference of the Industrial Electronics Society of IEEE.

A few challenges are facing our world today such as climate change, energy and food shortages. The conference committee saw fit to address some of the globally challenging problem through this edition of IECON by responding to the current world’s concerns. Therefore, IECON technical program covers a broad range of relevant technical areas. This is to enable the exposition of a high standard scientific and industrial work from wide-spectrum areas.


Presentation:Composite Laminates Damage Detection Based on Basis Pursuit Denoising Algorithm.汇报人—许才彬

Presentation:Multi-domain description method for bearing fault recognition in varying speed condition.汇报人—周子桐

3. 参会论文信息

TitleComposite Laminates Damage Detection Based on Basis Pursuit Denoising Algorithm


Abstract:When Lamb waves propagates in composite laminates, the direction-dependent property parameters of the composite laminates lead to different propagation velocities, which is known as the anisotropy nature. It makes the problem of damage detection more difficult. A sparse reconstruction based damage imaging method considering the anisotropy nature of composite laminates is presented in this paper. A propagation model of Lamb waves considering the propagation directions is introduced to build a wavefield dictionary. Then the problem of damage detection is formulated as a sparse reconstruction problem, which can be solved by basis pursuit denoising algorithm. Finally, experiments with simulated damages are performed and the results validate the effectiveness of the method.

TitleMuli-domain description method for bearing fault recognition in varying speed condition


Abstract:Confusion of frequency spectrum under varying speed condition leads to the efficacy degradation of fault recognition for rolling element bearings. Meanwhile, a widely-used method is transforming non-stationary vibration signals into angular domain based on angular re-sampling to reduce influence of speed fluctuation. However, single domain usually cannot describe health information comprehensively. Thus a multi-domain indexes description method is proposed in this paper to improve fault recognition by multi-domain fusion. First the input indexes of multiple domains including time domain, frequency domain, angular domain and order domain are organized to train SOM neural network. Then an optimized fault cognition model is established based on the SOM input planes. Finally, faults are recognized based on multi-domain indexes model and extra complexity indexes are added to enhance recognition of compound faults. Experimental results show that the proposed method can distinguish different faults effectively and have good practical significance.


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