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德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学Gerhard Ziegmann学术讲座通知

发布时间:2016-10-13 点击数:

德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学Gerhard Ziegmann学术讲座通知

应段玉岗老师的邀请,德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学聚合物材料与塑料工程研究所教授Gerhard Ziegmann将来学院进行两场学术讲座。

讲座-1:Behaviour of Thermoplastic polymers and Important Processing Technologies



摘要:Polymers are fulfilling many requirements for different applications- from packaging till advanced structural applications- via extremely efficient processes/process combinations. Within this presentation the behavior of thermoplastic materials will be discussed (melting, flow characteristics, crystallization, etc.). In addition, basic information is given about the processes like extrusion, injection moulding with combined materials to create multifunctional structures with thermoplastic polymers.

讲座-2:Fiber Reinforced Composites based on Thermoset Polymer Systems



摘要:Composite materials are designed by the combination of fibers with advanced properties and the embedding matrix, mainly based on thermoset resin systems. This presentation is dealing with the description of the behavior of thermoset materials in relation to the flow/impregnation as well as the curing characteristics. The potential of the reinforcing fibers will be discussed in detail in order to find out the adequate combination of fiber and resin in different application processes. Manufacturing conditions along with different applications are discussed and the special advantages of anisotropic composite structures will be shown in detail.

讲座人简介:Gerhard Ziegmann现任德国下萨克森州复合材料研究中心教授,克劳斯塔尔工业大学聚合物材料与塑料工程研究所教授,德国科学研究联合会纳米复合材料专家组发言人,德国塑料工程协会和国际先进复合材料协会高级会员。研究领域包括:高填充聚合物基功能复合材料,纤维增强树脂基复合材料,纳米改性复合材料,聚合物基微纳结构零件精密成型等。

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