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发布时间:2016-12-14 点击数:


汇报题目:Guided wave field sparse reconstruction from limited data using compressed sensing

汇 报 人:乔百杰






  1. SDASL实验室介绍

  2. 科研工作

  3. 留学见闻和心得交流


会议名称:27thInternational Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering

会议日期:18-21 September, 2016

会议地点:Leuven, Belgium

会议简介:It is the 27th international conference in a series of annual courses and biennial conferences on structural dynamics, modal testing and noise and vibration engineering, organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the KU Leuven. This year's edition will be organized in conjunction with the 5th edition of the International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics - USD2016. The conference provides a forum for engineers, researchers and other professionals active in the field of modelling, analysing, testing and improving the noise and vibration characteristics of mechanical systems and civil structures. The conference combines expertise in the noise and vibration fields by stressing common measurement, modelling, analysis and control technologies.


Title:Sparse representation for the inverse problem of force identification(汇报人:乔百杰)

Author: Baijie Qiao, Zhu Mao, Xuefeng Chen

Abstract:Force identification remains a challenging inverse problem, where a small error in structural responses may lead to a large deviation in the true solution. To overcome the ill-posed nature, a general sparse representation model is developed thereafter for solving the inverse problem of force identification. Different from the traditional function expansion methods that should determine the number of basis function in advance, the sparse representation method can adaptively determine it by minimizing the number of nonzero components in the sparse coefficient vector during the regularization process. Compared with the Tikhonov method, four dictionaries including Dirac delta functions, Db6 wavelets, Sym4 wavelets and cubic B-spline functions, accurately represent the consecutive impact force acting on a carbon fiber reinforced composite laminates plate.


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