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发布时间:2016-11-22 点击数:



题目:参加ASME IMECE2016会议




会议名称:ASME IMECE2016

会议日期:Nov 11-17 2016

会议地点:Phoenix, Arizona, USA


ASME's International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) is the largest interdisciplinary mechanical engineering conference in the world. IMECE plays a significant role in stimulating innovation from basic discovery to translational application. It fosters new collaborations that engage stakeholders and partners not only from academia, but also from national laboratories, industry, research settings, and funding bodies.

Technical Tracks:

Acoustics, Vibration, and Wave Propagation

Advanced Manufacturing

Advances in Aerospace Technology

Biomedical & Biotechnology Engineering

Dynamics, Vibration, and Control

Education and Globalization

Emerging Technologies


Fluids Engineering

Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering

Materials: Genetics to Structures

Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids

Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging

Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis

Systems, Design, and Complexity

Transportation Systems

NDE, Diagnosis, and Prognosis

ASME International Undergraduate Research and Design Expo (Posters Only)

NSF Student Competition

Virtual Podium (Posters)


Conference-Wide Plenary Speakers

Industry Invited Speakers


Investigation on mechanical behavior of clinched joint using different tools(汇报人:韩晓兰)

Dynamic simulation of a direct drive reversing valve based on the hydraulic die forging hammer(汇报人:朱牧之)


Title: Investigation on mechanical behavior of clinched joint usingdifferent tools

Author:Xiaolan Han, Shengdun Zhao

Abstract: Lightweight materials, manufacturing technology and the car body structure optimization are the three main approaches to achieve the lightweight constructions. The lightweight materials, such as aluminum or magnesium alloys, are widely utilized in the automotive industry for the weight reduction. Mechanical clinching is used to connect the lightweight materials. In this study, the sheets were joined by the extensible die clinching and flat-clinching. The tensile strength and shear strength of the aluminum alloy 5052 were investigated by the two different tools. Compared with the extensible die clinching, both the tensile strength and shear strength of the clinched joint produced with flat-clinching is higher. And the tensile strength of the clinched joint is up to 54% higher than that of the extensible die clinching.

Title:Dynamic simulation of a direct drive reversing valve based on the hydraulic die forging hammer

Author: Muzhi Zhu, Shengdun Zhao

Abstract:The direct drive reversing valve is designed in this paper to replace the main reversing valve of the hydraulic die forging hammer system, and a new drive method based on TPMLM (tubular permanent magnet linear motor) is suggested. To verify the feasibility of the drive method, the fluid force suffered by valve core is calculated by using control volume method. After that, force analysis is carried out on the valve core. Based on FLUENT, the flow field analysis inside the valve is conducted. And then theoretical calculation and simulation on the fluid force analysis are discussed. TPMLM (tubular permanent magnet linear motor) is selected as the driving device and it is analyzed by Maxwell 2D. The simulation results of TPMLM show that the magnetic flux density, back electromotive force and output force satisfy the requirement of the reversing valve.


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