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发布时间:2016-11-17 点击数:



题目:参加IEEE SENSORS 2016会议




会议名称:IEEE SENSORS 2016

会议日期:Oct30-Nov2 2016

会议地点:Orlando, FL, USA

会议简介:IEEE SENSORS 2016 is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the area of sensors and sensing technology. IEEE SENSORS 2016 will include keynote addresses and invited presentations by eminent scientists and engineers. The conference solicits original state-of-the-art contributions as well as review papers.

Topics of Interest Include:

• Sensor Phenomenon, Modeling, and Evaluation

• Sensor Materials, Processing, and Fabrication

• Chemical and Gas Sensors

• Fluidics and Biosensors

• Optical Sensors

• Physical Sensors: Temperature, Mechanical, Magnetic, and other

• Acoustic and Ultrasound Sensors

• Sensor Packaging and Systems

• Sensor Networks

• Sensor Applications

• Wired and Wireless Sensor Systems: Signals, Transceivers, and Interfaces

• Actuators and Sensor Power Systems

• Demos

Focused Session Topics Include:

• Flexible and Wearable sensors

• Resonators

• 3D printer sensors

• Energy Harvesting and Ultra low power sensors

• Machine Olfaction for Environmental Monitoring


Design and fabrication of an electro-thermal linear motor with large output force and displacement (汇报人:胡腾江)

A Novel Integrated Sensor Based on MEMS Strain Gauge for Monitoring Milling Process(汇报人:秦亚飞)

Design and Modeling of Three-Dimensional Tip-Clearance Optical Probe Based on Two-Circle Reflective Coaxial Fiber Bundle (汇报人:谢思莹)


Title:Design and fabrication of an electro-thermal linear motor with large output force and displacement

Author:Tengjiang Hu, Yulong Zhao, Xiuyuan Li, You Zhao,Yinwei Bai

Abstract: The design, fabrication and testing of a novel electro-thermal linear motor is presented in this paper. The V-shape electro-thermal actuator arrays, micro lever, micro spring and slider are introduced. In moving operation, the linear motor can move 1 mm displacement while keeping the applied voltage as low as 17 V. In holding operation, the motor can stay in one particular position without consuming energy and no creep deformation is found. Actuation force of 12.7 mN indicates the high force generation capability of the device.

Title:A Novel Integrated Sensor Based on MEMS Strain Gauge for Monitoring Milling Process

Author:Yafei Qin, Yulong Zhao, Yingxue Li, You Zhao and Peng Wang

Abstract: Cutting force measurement is an essential requirement in tool condition monitoring. In this paper, a novel integrated sensor for measuring axial force and torque in milling is proposed. The new type sensing element has been developed to enhance the sensitivity of the sensor meanwhile to maintain enough rigidity. The device is based on piezoresistive MEMS strain gauge that measures the deformation of lantern shape sensing element. A static calibration and modal impact test were carried out, and the performance of device installed on a milling machine has been tested under different cutting conditions. The results show that the sensor has high sensitivity and could be used for monitoring machining process.

Title:Design and Modeling of Three-Dimensional Tip-Clearance Optical Probe Based on Two-Circle Reflective Coaxial Fiber Bundle

Author: Siying Xie, Xiaodong Zhang

Abstract: Based on the characteristics of strains which lead to failures of turbine blades inside the aero-engine, a three-dimensional fiber-optic tip-clearance measuring method using two-circle reflective coaxial fiber bundles as three measuring units is presented. Firstly, mathematical model of each unit when there exists radial clearance together with inclination at axial and circumferential direction of the reflector is built, including compensation algorithm of overlapped area between receiving fiber and the incident light, and correction algorithm of average light intensity on surface of virtual image of receiving fiber. It shows that this model could restore the real three-dimensional output behavior of the bundle by means of comparison between simulation results with experimental results reported in previous study. Then, evaluation of two different layouts of the three measuring units through simulation is given, which offers a proper theoretical basis of the final three-dimensional tip-clearance optical probe design and manufacture.


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