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发布时间:2016-11-07 点击数:



汇 报 人:孙畅宁

汇报时间:2016年11月07日(星期一) 10:00





1. 德国联邦材料研究与检测研究所介绍





会议名称:6th International Congress on ceramics(ICC6)

会议日期:21-25 August, 2016

会议地点:Dresden, Germany

会议简介:The International Congress on Ceramics (ICC) is hosted every two years by the International Ceramic Federation (ICF) in cooperation with the ICF member societies. The congress is intended to serve as a platform enabling an exchange of information on ideas and visions of the future for ceramics and inorganic materials.


Presentation:The Effect of Particle Size Gradation on the Performance of Ceramic 3D Printing Processes and Samples(汇报人:孙畅宁)


Title: The Effect of Particle Size Gradation on the Performance of Ceramic 3D Printing Processes and Samples

Author: Changning Sun, Xiaoyong Tian, Ling Wang, Yaxiong Liu, Dichen Li, Zhongmin Jin, Cynthina M. Wirth, Jens Günster

Abstract: Particle size has contrary influences on technological and products properties in ceramic 3D printing. Particle size gradation was regard as an effective method to seek the balance between the contradictions. This paper aims to verify the effect of particle size gradation on the performance of ceramic 3D printing processes and products. Powders with average size of 14 μm, 35 μm and 93 μm were mixed in certain ratios. The physical properties of both mixed and unmixed powders were evaluated. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) was performed to determine the temperature curve of printed samples. The shrinkage of samples were measured by hot stage microscope (HSM) in real time. The mechanical strength of 3D-printed discs with powders in different particle size distribution was evaluated by ball-on-three-ball test. The bending strength of discs printed by 100% 93 μm powders and printed by 60% 93 μm with 40% 14 μm powders was 3.5 MPa and 13.8 MPa respectively. However, flowability of powders mixed by 60% 93 μm and 40% 14 μm particles was very poor and hardly to get a smooth powder bed which is the prerequisite to the accurate printing. The results demonstrated that with the increase of the weight ratio of 14μm particle in mixed powders, the flowability of powders reduced the bending strength of 3D-printed discs increased. Powders mixed by 70% 93 μm and 30% 14 μm was considered as the most suitable gradation due to the passable flowability and good parts strength.

4. 留学见闻和心得交流


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