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发布时间:2017-01-04 点击数:



题目:Wear and Machine Condition Monitoring of Mechanical and Bio-Engineering Systems



摘要:Research activities of Tribology and Machine Condition Monitoring Group at UNSW Australia will be introduced in this seminar. This research group led by Associate Professor Zhongxiao Peng brings together two main areas of expertise – wear debris and vibration analyses – for applications largely in the machine condition monitoring field. In wear debris analysis, they examine wear and fracture mechanisms using advanced techniques such as 3D imaging and quantitative analysis methods at a micro- and nanometre scale. In vibration analysis led by Em/Professor Robert (Bob) Randall, they develop and apply advanced signal processing techniques, and develop simulation models, for the diagnostics and prognostics of rotating machinery. In the seminar, their current progress on three projects will be reported. These three projects are: (a) fault diagnostics and prognostics of gears using an integrated approach, (b) wear and remaining lifetime prediction of journal bearings in IC engines, and (c) development of UHMWPE/MWCNTs for improved wear resistance.



彭中笑副教授就职于澳洲新南威尔士大学大学机械与制造工程学院,主管研究生招生工作。她长期从事生物摩擦学以及机械系统振动与磨损融合的研究,在关节微观磨损机理分析、磨粒微尺度力学分析领域发表100多篇国际期刊论文,40多篇国际会议论文,H因子高达21,综合引用率1600多次(Google Scholar)。近年来,彭中笑副教授与国际知名振动领域的Robert (Bob) Randall教授组成振动与磨损融合研究团队,从现代信号处理、旋转系统建模等方面开展了系统性研究,获得了一系列的研究成果。

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