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发布时间:2017-06-08 点击数:


报告题目:Energy Harvesting from Vibration and Human Motion



报告学者:香港中文大学ASME Fellow廖维新教授


Most of the ambient energy, which was regarded useless in the past, now is under the spotlight. With the rapid developments on low power electronics, future personal mobile devices and remote sensing systems might become self-powered by scavenging energy from their surroundings. Kinetic energy is one of the promising energy forms in our living environment, e.g., human motion and vibration. We have proposed an energy flow to clarify the functions of piezoelectric energy harvesting, dissipation, and their effects on the structural damping of vibrating structures. Impedance modeling and analysis were performed. We have designed an improved self-powered switching interface for piezoelectric energy harvesting circuits. With electromagnetic transduction, we also proposed a knee-mounted energy harvester that could convert the mechanical power from knee joints into electricity during walking. On the other hand, we have developed magnetorheological (MR) fluid devices with multiple functions, including linear dampers and rotary actuators. Novel self-sensing MR dampers with power generation, which integrate the dynamic sensing, MR damping and power generation functions, were proposed and investigated. In addition, multifunctional rotary actuator was also designed to integrate motor/generator part and MR fluids into a single device. The actuator could function as motor, generator, clutch and brake, with compact size and less power consumption. The developed actuators were promising for various applications. In this talk, related research and key results will be presented.



廖维新,现为香港中文大学机械与自动化工程系教授,智能材料与结构实验室主任,工学院副院长,ASME、IOP和HKIE 的Fellow。1997年获得宾夕法尼亚州立大学的机械工程博士学位,之后回到香港中文大学工作。廖教授先后发表高水平学术论文190多篇,获得16个国际专利(包括:美国、中国、香港、台湾、日本、韩国)。近几年,多次作为会议主席主持高水平国际会议(20th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies in 2009; the Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE in 2014 and 2015),多次获得国际会议最佳论文奖(Structures from the ASME in 2008; Automation in the 2009 IEEE; 2011 IEEE on Mechatronics and Automation)。2005年,荣获英国机械工程师协会(IMechE)的 T A Stewart-Dyer/F H Trevithick 奖;2012年,作为Robotics, Automation and Control Systems Society (RACS),IEEE香港分会主席,获得IEEE Robotics and Automation Society的年度最佳奖。他现在是Smart Materials and Structures,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,Mechatronics等期刊的副主编。

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