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发布时间:2017-06-01 点击数:



报告题目:Multi-phase Transport Phenomena in Porous Electrodes of Li-O2Batteries



讲 座 人:美国堪萨斯大学李相霖助理教授


Porous media are widely used as electrodes of energy conversion and storage devices because of their high surface area. This talk will focus on transport phenomena, coupled with electrochemical reactions, in porous electrodes of Li-O2batteries. Although the theoretical specific energy of the Li-O2battery could be as high as 2,790 Wh/kg, the measured specific energies reported in literature are typically less than 20% of the theoretical specific energy due to the sluggish mass transfer within the cathode electrode. This talk will elucidate how the spatial distribution of each phase (gas, liquid, carbon, polymer, etc.) govern the multi-phase fluid flow and the corresponding electrochemical performance in battery electrodes.

In order to clearly understand the pore-scale transport phenomena, this study carried out at the University of Kansas (KU) integrates reconstructed digital structures of porous electrodes with statistical simulations. The integrated study could simulate the anisotropic properties of electrodes that are filled with multi-phase (liquid/gas/solid) mixtures. Research finding from this study will directly advance other electrochemical technologies with high energy and power densities, including Li-ion batteries, supercapacitors, metal-air batteries, fuel cells, and redox flow batteries. In addition, this unique tool developed at KU can be conveniently applied to other technologies that involve porous media such as additive manufacturing, reservoir engineering, hydrogeology, water percolation, etc.


Dr. Li joined the Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Kansas in 2014. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 2012, where he investigated the electrochemical, as well as heat and mass transfer aspects of advanced fuel cell and battery concepts.

Before joining KU, Dr. Li served as Senior Scientific Engineering Associate at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In this capacity, he was involved with full fuel cycle analysis of non-conventional natural gas production and usage, as well as technical analyses to support the development of energy efficiency standards for appliances and other commercial equipment. Dr. Li has co-authored more than 30 refereed journal articles, multiple conference papers, and three U.S. Department of Energy and National Laboratory reports.

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