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发布时间:2017-05-31 点击数:


汇报题目:参加The 4thWorkshop in Devices, Materials, and Structures for Energy Harvesting and Storage 参会报告

汇报时间:2017年6月2日(星期五) 19:30



会议名称:The 4thWorkshop in Devices, Materials, and Structures for Energy Harvesting and Storage

会议时间:17-18 May 2017

会议地点:Oulu, Finland

会议简介:The 4th Workshop in Devices, Materials and Structures for Energy Harvesting and Storage took place in Oulu, Finland, the Capital of Northern Scandinavia. The workshop gathered European and international researchers and entrepreneurs specializing in the field of energy harvesting and storage, to discuss scientific and technological progresses, expand networks, and stimulate academic as well as academia-industry collaborations. Also, the workshop provided a unique opportunity to meet and talk to renowned experts in the field.


Poster presentation: New insight into Asymmetric Potential Issues in Bistable Energy Harvesting



Title: New insight into Asymmetric Potential Issues in Bistable Energy Harvesting

Author: Wei Wang, Junyi Cao, Chris R. Bowen, Daniel J. Inman, Jing Lin

Abstract: Recently, energy harvesting technique has been viewed as an up-and-coming method to enable self-sufficient wireless sensor nodes and other micro-electromechanical devicesonaccount of the presence of vibration energy in numerous surroundings and engineering systems. To overcome the issues of linear energy harvester only performing well at or very close to resonance, the idea of utilizing nonlinearity for obtaining broadband energy harvesters has been proved to be a viable solution to address this bottleneck. Particularly, bistable system is a promising alternative for broadband energy harvesting and the nonlinear potential functions are all considered to be symmetric in previous investigations. However, it is challenging or even impossible to design a completely symmetric potential function due to imperfection in fabrication and material property. Therefore, this paper proposes a new insight into the influence mechanism and performance enhancement method of asymmetric potential function in bistable piezoelectric energy harvesting. Numerical simulation indicates that the cantilever is more likely to oscillate in the deeper potential well for bistable system with asymmetric potential, which will greatly decrease the energy harvesting efficiency. Inclining the bistable energy harvesting device for a certain angle could balance the asymmetric potential energy function, and the output power under harmonic and broadband random excitation demonstrate that there exist a best inclination angle range for enhancing the performance of asymmetric potential bistable harvester. Moreover, experiments for harvesting energy from human motion illustrate that asymmetric potential function could couple with the asymmetric motion of human lower-limb to enhance the performance.


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