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发布时间:2017-09-04 点击数:



汇报题目:参加8th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering参会报告

汇报时间:2017年9月5日(星期二) 19:00




会议名称:The 8thWACBE World Congress on Bioengineering

会议日期:30 July — 2 August 2017


会议简介:The World Association for Chinese Biomedical Engineers (WACBE) organises biannual World Congresses since 2002. The congresses brought together many biomedical engineers from over the world to share their experiences and to exchange views on the future development of biomedical engineering. The 8th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2017 in Hong Kong will continue to offer such a networking forum for bioengineers to keep abreast of the latest development of the field.


PresentationOptimized Distribution of the Elastic Modulus of Prostheses Adaptive to the Patient-specific Biomechanical Environment(汇报人:孙畅宁)


Title: Optimized Distribution of the Elastic Modulus of Prostheses Adaptive to the Patient-specific Biomechanical Environment

Author: Changning Sun, Zhongmin Jin , Ling Wang, Dichen Li, Jianfeng kang

Abstract: Long-term loosening is the major cause of failure of the arthroplasty. Stress shielding initiated by the large mismatch between the mechanical properties of the prosthesis and the bone tissue would eventually cause the loss of the peri-implants bone, and further aseptic loosening. Porous structural design is believed to lower the elastic modulus of the prosthesis according to Gibson model1. For better biomechanical performance, the dimension and materials property of the microstructure should meet the following criterions: first, the strength of the prosthesis should beyond the safety requirement of the over the lifespan. Second, the strain at the peri-implant bone should be within the range for the stimulation of bone in-growth. Third, the micromotion at the bone-implant interface should be in proper range for inducing the bone-in-growth into the pores. However, the optimization of the dimension of the thousands of microstructure unit cells included in a prosthesis is infeasible. Therefore, finite element study was carried out for the stress-strain analysis of the bone-implant model, and algorithms were developed to vary the elastic modulus of the interest region which was excepted to be porous by cyclic calculation until the optimized condition was reached.

PresentationInsensitivity of Knee Kinematic and Contact force on Femoral Sagittal Radius Design in Total Knee Arthroplasty(汇报人:张奇达)


Title: Insensitivity of Knee Kinematic and Contact force on Femoral Sagittal Radius Design in Total Knee Arthroplasty

Author: Qida Zhang, Zhenxian Chen, Zhongmin Jin

Abstract:Kinematic performance of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) impacts the functionality and longevity of the knee prosthesis. Implant design plays a crucial role in determining postoperative in vivo knee kinematics. The different sagittal radius design has been considered in femoral component and applied to TKA for improving clinical outcomes. However, the single-radius (SR), dual-radius (DR) and multi-radius (MR) are controversial in clinical reports. The effects of femoral sagittal radius design on knee kinematics are still unclear.

The objective of this study is to investigate effect of different femoral designs on knee kinematic using musculoskeletal (MSK) multi-body dynamics (MBD) modeling under a simulated chair-rising gait.

PresentationKnee Contact Force Prediction in an Implant Using Musculoskeletal Modelling without Force Plates(汇报人:彭迎虎)


Title: Knee Contact Force Prediction in an Implant Using Musculoskeletal Modelling without Force Plates

Author:Yinghu Peng, Zhenxian Chen, Zhongmin Jin

Abstract: Ground reaction forces (GRFs) measured from force plates are usually used to predict the knee contact forces (KCFs) and muscle forces using musculoskeletal (MSK) multibody dynamics (MBD) model of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) as the input condition. However, the measurements of the GRFs data are limited by the lack of equipment in hospitals and the patient gait patterns, like treadmill gait. In addition, the mismatch error between the GRFs data and the MSK model may influence the prediction consistency.

In this study, a prediction method based on elastic contact element of the GRFs was integrated into a subject-specific MSK MBD modelling framework of TKA for predicting the GRFs and KCFs.

PresentationDevelopment of a patient-specific musculoskeletal model of total ankle arthroplasty using force-dependent kinematics(汇报人:张延伟)


Title: Optimized Distribution of the Elastic Modulus of Prostheses Adaptive to the Patient-specific Biomechanical Environment

Author: Yanwei Zhang, Zhenxian Chen, Zhongmin Jin

Abstract: Total ankle arthroplasty (TAA) is an effective treatment method to replace the diseased ankle joint for eliminating the pain and enable the patients resume their normal activities. However, the clinical performance of current artificial ankle joints remains to be improved with new designs and materials. Thorough understanding of the function outcomes of artificial ankle joint requires detailed knowledge of the in vivo loading conditions and the motion during daily life activities. Measuring the joint forces and motions in TAA with considering most circumstances and most patients is not possible. The patient-specific lower limb musculoskeletal (MSK) multibody dynamics (MBD) modelling approach1 provides an attractive alternative for predicting in vivo the contact mechanics and kinematics of TAA.

The objective of this study was to develop a novel patient-specific MSK MBD model of TAA. The joint contact forces and motions of TAA, muscle forces and ligament forces were simultaneously predicted by the developed model during a walking gait cycle.

PresentationCombined musculoskeletal multi-body dynamics and finite element investigation of a customized distal femoral-fracture locking plate(汇报人:范勋健)


Title: Combined musculoskeletal multi-body dynamics and finite element investigation of a customized distal femoral-fracture locking plate

Author: Xunjian Fan, Zhenxian Chen, Zhongmin Jin

Abstract: Customized fracture fixation plates have significant advantages such as more exact anatomical matching, less hardware failures and faster fracture healing than traditional fracture fixation plates in clinic. However, no quantitative analysis has been conducted to compare the differences in the fracture healing effect and the mechanical property between them. Boundary conditions (BCs) of most previous FEAs of fracture fixation plates have been highly simplified due to the mechanical complexity of human musculoskeletal system. However, more realistic and reasonable BCs are necessary to assure the numerical simulation getting more reliable results.


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