汇报题目:参加 SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, part of the SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017 event 参会报告
汇报时间:2017年9月8日(星期五)9: 00
会议名称:SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications
会议时间:6-10 August 2017
会议地点:Convention Center Exhibit Hall 2, San Diego, California, USA
会议简介:SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, the premier conference for the latest developments in optical design and engineering, including photonic devices and applications, x-ray, gamma-ray, and particle technologies, image and signal processing, astronomical optics and instrumentation, remote sensing, and space optical systems. Conferences are grouped into program tracks based on related technology topics. Each conference is then organized into sessions of related papers. SPIE conference papers are published in the Proceedings of SPIE and available via the SPIE Digital Library, the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics research.
Poster presentation:Global stereo matching algorithm based on disparity range estimation
Title:Global stereo matching algorithm based on disparity range estimation
Author:Jing Li, Hong Zhao* and Feifei Gu
Abstract:The global stereo matching algorithms are of high accuracy for the estimation of disparity map, but the time-consuming in the optimization process still faces a curse, especially for the image pairs with high resolution and large baseline setting. To improve the computational efficiency of the global algorithms, a disparity range estimation scheme for the global stereo matching is proposed to estimate the disparity map of rectified stereo images in this paper. The projective geometry in a parallel binocular stereo vision is investigated to reveal a relationship between two disparities at each pixel in the rectified stereo images with different baselines, which can be used to quickly obtain a predicted disparity map in a long baseline setting estimated by that in the small one. Then, the drastically reduced disparity ranges at each pixel under a long baseline setting can be determined by the predicted disparity map. Furthermore, the disparity range estimation scheme is introduced into the graph cuts with expansion moves to estimate the precise disparity map, which can greatly save the cost of computing without loss of accuracy in the stereo matching, especially for the dense global stereo matching, compared to the traditional algorithm. Experimental results with the Middlebury stereo datasets are presented to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.