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发布时间:2017-09-04 点击数:



汇报题目:参加 SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, part of the SPIE Optics + Photonics 2017 event 参会报告


汇报地点:威尼斯9499登录入口激光所会议室西二 (东118)



会议名称:Applied Optical MetrologyⅡConference

会议时间:6-10 August 2017

会议地点:Convention Center Exhibit Hall 2, San Diego, California, USA

会议简介:SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, the premier conference for the latest developments in optical design and engineering, including photonic devices and applications, x-ray, gamma-ray, and particle technologies, image and signal processing, astronomical optics and instrumentation, remote sensing, and space optical systems. Conferences are grouped into program tracks based on related technology topics. Each conference is then organized into sessions of related papers. SPIE conference papers are published in the Proceedings of SPIE and available via the SPIE Digital Library, the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics research.


Poster presentation:Robust phase unwrapping algorithm for 3D profile measurement applications

报告人: 方美淇


Title:Robust phase unwrapping algorithm for 3D profile measurement applications

Author:Meiqi Fang, Hong Zhao*, Chunwei Zhang, Yueyang Ma and Cahngquan Zhou

Abstract:Phase unwrapping is a significant procedure that has raised a great interest in many coherent imaging systems. What we believe to be a new phase unwrapping algorithm, is described and tested. The method starts from the fact that 2D wrapped phase distribution can be regarded as a response to two orthogonal 1D direction excitation signals. This suggests a cepstrum analysis to be implemented in the phase unwrapping problem. Experimental results both from the fringe projection profilometry and DENSE MRI also confirmed the validity of our approach. In fact, this proposed method is possible to attain a fast and practical phase unwrapping solution with enhanced noise robustness.


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