汇报题目: 参加The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24) 参会报告
汇报时间:2017年9月4日(星期一) 9:00
汇报地点: 威尼斯9499登录入口振噪所会议室(西二西234)
汇报人: 宋爱玲
会议名称: The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24)
会议时间: 23-27 July 2017
会议地点: Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel, London, UK
会议简介:The 24th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV24) was organized by the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV) and the UK’s Institute of Acoustics (IOA). This congress is a leading event in the area of acoustics and vibration and provides an important opportunity for scientists and engineers to share their latest research results and exchange ideas on theories, technologies and applications in these fields. More than 1000 delegates from 54 countries are expected to participate, making ICSV24 one of the largest congresses in the ICSV series to date. A total of 932 papers, including 135 posters, in all the fields of acoustics, noise and vibration are part of the ICSV24 scientific programme. The scientific programme is structured into 16 themes, each containing structured sessions and regular sessions.
Oral presentation: Broadband asymmetric acoustic transmission based on an acoustic prism and absorptive material
报告人: 宋爱玲
Title: Broadband asymmetric acoustic transmission based on an acoustic prism and absorptive material
Author: Ailing Song, Tianning Chen*and Xiaopeng Wang
Abstract: Narrow bandwidth and complicated structures are the main disadvantages of the existing asymmetric acoustic transmission devices. In this paper, a simple broadband asymmetric acoustic transmission device composed of an acoustic prism and absorptive material is proposed and numerically investigated. The triangular acoustic prism is filled with xenon gas and can modulate the propagation direction of transmitted wave according to the generalized Snell’s law. The absorptive material can completely absorb the incoming waves. The sound pressure field distributions, sound intensity distributions, and transmittance are calculated by using finite element method. The sound pressure field distributions show that asymmetric acoustic transmission can be realized by the proposed device, which agree well with the theoretical predictions. The acoustic wave of left incidence is transmitted by the acoustic prism with a certain refraction angle and then the transmitted wave is absorbed by the absorptive material, the acoustic propagation is not allowed. However, the acoustic wave of right incidence can pass through the device due to the absence of absorptive material. The asymmetric acoustic transmission is valid within a remarkably broad frequency range from 1000 Hz to 10000 Hz. Besides, the effects of prism angle on the transmitted wave direction are discussed. The proposed device may have potential applications in various areas, such as medical ultrasound and noise control.