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发布时间:2017-11-13 点击数:


汇报题目:IMECE 2017 参会报告





会议名称:IMECE 2017

会议时间:November 2—November 9, 2017

会议地点:Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida, USA

会议简介:ASME’s International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) is the largest interdisciplinary mechanical engineering conference in the world. IMECE plays a significant role in stimulating innovation from basic discovery to translational application. It fosters new collaborations that engage stakeholders and partners not only from academia, but also from national laboratories, industry, research settings, and funding bodies.



Contactless Measurement of Spindle Stiffness by Using Lateral Stator Magnetic Loader (汇报人:苏文军)

Pretension Analysis for Piezoelectric Stack Actuator in Nano-positioning Stage (汇报人:张萌)


Title:Contactless Measurement of Spindle Stiffness by Using Lateral Stator Magnetic Loader

Author:Wenjun Su, Shaoke Wan, Yanhui Sun, Jun Hong, Xiaohu Li


In this paper, a novel radial loading topology is proposed for various spindle test application where the space in the tool head is limited or the performance to the length is sensitive. The stator of the loading device grows in the lateral direction, allowing for a compact axial length design. Finite element analysis (FEA) is carried out and the device design is optimized for the specifications of a radial loading device for high speed spindle. Finally, the designed device were manufactured and tested. By using this magnet loader, measurement results are given and the effectiveness of the designed prototype has been verified.

Title:Pretension Analysis for Piezoelectric Stack Actuator in Nano-positioning Stage

Author:Meng Zhang, Zhigang liu,Mingfan Bu,Yu Zhu


Taking advantages of high stiffness, fast response, high-bandwidth as well as large pushing force capability, piezoelectric stack actuators have been widely used in the fields of high speed nano-positioning stages and precision systems. An inevitable disadvantage of piezoelectric actuators is that they are highly intolerant to shear and tensile forces. During high speed scanning operations, the inertial forces due to the effective mass of the stage may cause the actuators to withstand excessive shear or tension forces. To protect the actuators, preload is often applied to compensate for these forces. Flexures have been used to supply preload to the piezoelectric stack actuators in many high-speed nano-positioning stages. Nevertheless, for nano-positioning stages with stiff flexures, it is a difficult job to displace the flexures and slide the actuators in place to preload them. This paper proposed a novel preloading nano-positioning stage which allows the piezoelectric stack actuator to be preloaded and mounted easily without obviously reducing the stiffness and speed of the nano-positioning stage. A preloading nano-positioning stage is designed and the flexible hinge and piezoelectric stack actuator of the stage are analyzed. The stiffness and resonance frequency of flexible hinge and optimal preload for the proposed stage is obtained by kinetics analysis. In order to verify the effectiveness of preloading nano-positioning stage, an online test system is established. The system mainly composed by a force sensor module, a capacitive sensor module and the preloading nano-positioning stage. A force sensor is applied between piezoelectric actuator and flexible hinge which can directly measure the preload in real time. The displacement of the flexible hinge is measured by a capacitive sensor to evaluate the positioning accuracy. Experiments are conducted, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

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