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发布时间:2017-09-25 点击数:


汇报题目:参加2017 2nd International conference on Design, mechanical and Material Engineering(D2ME 2017) 参会报告

汇报时间:2017年9月27日(星期三) 19:30



会议名称:The 2017 2nd International conference on Design, mechanical and Material Engineering(D2ME 2017)

会议时间:13 – 17 September, 2017

会议地点: Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia

会议简介: D2ME 2017 is co-organized by Swinburne University of Technology and Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers, supported by Southwest Jiaotong University. The conference will be held at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, from September 13-17, 2017

The conference is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Design, Mechanical and Material Engineering. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. We warmly welcome prospected authors submit your new research papers to D2ME 2017, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.


Oral presentation: Microstructure of Semi-Solid 6063 Alloy Fabricated by Radial Forging Combined with Unidirectional Compression Recrystallization and Partial Melting Process



Title:Microstructure of Semi-Solid 6063 Alloy Fabricated by Radial Forging Combined with Unidirectional Compression Recrystallization and Partial Melting Process

Author:Yongfei Wang, Shengdun Zhao, and Xuzhe Zhao


Radial forging combined with unidirectional compression (RFCUM) is introduced in recrystallization and partial melting (RAP) to fabricate semi-solid 6063 aluminum alloy, which can be defined as a process of RFCUM-RAP. In this study, the microstructures of semi-solid 6063 alloy prepared by semi-solid isothermal treatment (SSIT) and RFCUM-RAP processes are investigated. The results show that, the solid grains of semi-solid alloy prepared by SSIT are large and irregular. However, solid grains of semi-solid billet prepared by RFCUC-RAP are fine and spherical. Additionally, during RFCUC-RAP process, with the increase of isothermal holding time, the shape of solid grain is more and more spherical, but the size of solid grain is gradually increased. To obtain ideal semi-solid microstructure, the optimal isothermal holding temperature and time are 630 °C and 5~10 min, respectively.


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